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 Jul 2016 Brandon Morris
Vani j
The love I felt for u
Got lost in time....
Coz let's face the truth.....
It was always me looking for u
And u were nowhere to find
Since debroglie said for everything,
Love must also be a symmetry  and
Half heart can't make something ....
Just a sign.
Imagine only one auricle and ventricle pumping to save our vital signs.
Random heart
 Jul 2016 Brandon Morris
Lora Lee
I will never be
ensconced in
charming lace
candypink encased
You will not see me
withering away
back of hand
          upon brow
in fainting stance
in a flowing silk dress
swinging on a
           perfect bough
For I am a river
wild and true
sometimes quiet
roaring and
             soaring in
shimmering hues:
Blues and greens
mixed with shades
           of earth, of fire
bespeaking emotions
in tones of desire
My river can get messy
can flood over too fast
because my heartstrings
                       get pulled
by the strength of
                        the blast
It can bring up
colored stones
in its undertow
fish and otters
in voodoo

As the colors rise up
in this heated coolness,
                          this deluge
the influx overwhelms me
with a power so huge
and then I need
     some metallics,
flecks of silver and gold
to soothe
passion's piquancy
                when it gets
                   particularly bold
                      Specked within rocks
                    to ground me, keep
               my feet on the soil
             prevent my heart
          from slipping
       down into
     a choking,
         hot oil

Bronze minerals reflect
peaks of sadness,
     searing pain
        from rawness of hurt
          with no one to blame
             Yes, it can be a balm
                         and also a burn
to be so linked
by spirit-threads
to another, in emotions
that churn
just on the brink
but never truly there
to experience the
         fullness of rush
ripe culmination
abundant and lush

and that's when the
river turns
into molten
and I must dig
deep under
layers of ancient strata
seeking relief
in coolness of earth
as my spirit
             again undergoes
              a kind of rebirth
For when we
grow to love
strange things
happen, indeed
       In the core of
my essence
you are the root
of my
 Jul 2016 Brandon Morris
Lora Lee
Here in the desert
it's been raining
on and off
            for days
making the succulents and cacti
glisten with wetness
their thick skin sparkles
and catches nature's ironic eye
flowers and plants shine
so much better in the half-grey
Here in the prehistoric depths
Of rocky whitewash and silt
             flash floods rush through
flushing out all guilt
         And inside
a raging storm commences
and I feel so blessed
to be a part of this celebration
my lungs expanding in my chest
I breathe in deep
that fresh purity of air
let it cleanse right through me
from my toes up to my hair
It rushes in my body
taking no prisoners in its force
flows through every vein
cleansing poisons in its course
its power flows into me
washing out this stubborn pain
Turning the confusion
                     into clarity again
From inside subconscious thoughts
           realization thunders
rinsing from my mind
                 the emotional strain
and replacing it with euphoric wonders
Come, my raging desert tempest
Bathe me
       penetrate me with wet
restore and purify
my being
take over and disinfect
let me feel my own strength
until it pours out from my cells
into the space inside my heart
where love and lust still dwell
My tears mingle with the sweet drops
                as I fling arms open to the sky
releasing strikes of lightening
for every word I cry
as I summon, pray for lightness
mixed with the sturdiness of earth
Let joy rise up and bubble
within my being
as rebirth
There is no free will ,it is will of God which is to prevail
Fate is predestined and ordained kept hidden under veil
Man does not know Where to take birth where and to hail
Death is another surprise when and where to come to fail

All human tricks go waste but verdict of the Lord sustain
Man goes through pleasure and successful if bears pain
If servitude is taken in true spirit mercy comes just in rain
Soul is a sole bond between human soul and God in chain

Struggle is a must but results rest with the Lord in thy fate
No human being is given a golden spoon and a silver plate
It is sheer submission to will of God which makes one great
Pure faith in God and sincerity of purpose opens every gate

Col Muhammad Khalid Khan
Copyright 2016 Golden Glow
Streams of dust
through an endless expanse.
I am the universe.
My first attempt at a haiku. I hope you like it!
 Jul 2016 Brandon Morris

Every night
when the moon
appears in the skies,
I’ll not look away
as I gaze in
your eyes

For nothing compares
to the beauty I see,
when your eyes
cast the light
of the moon
back on me
Her eyes are incredibly beautiful.
Unrobe me
From my flesh;
Stripped and ripped
Down to my bones,
That I may be as
Plain as this boundlessness.

I render myself,
Just as I am to you;
Solely and wholly
Uncovered and unstuffed,
That I may be the only,
You behold in this moonlit realm.
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