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LN Nov 2014
Nature's beauty unfolds when he smiles.
If the waves grew tired of fluctuating in height
or the clouds of crying on the lands
I would still be here falling in love over and over again
with the soul whose beauty leaks into the deepest gaps in mine.
LN Nov 2014
With light strokes of my pen,
I will draw us racing towards an unknown
side by side
not knowing when or how to intersect.

Stripes across the page exist over a name
I've held so close to my heart
but abstained from using on my lips
where silence reigns.

Between lines, poetry lay burning
ashes of stories I stayed awake at night recounting
a rejected part of my humanity
that I cannot forget
that I will never forget.

October has left me with blood on my hands,
and wilted flowers in my hair
but I am a wound trying to heal
the stripes on my skin mark growth
life will emerge in the face of cold winter air
life will radiate like northern lights
gleaming like the energy of all souls combined
against a wall of star encrusted darkness.
LN Oct 2014
Haunted souls travel inked skies at night
drawing their trajectories among constellations.

With soles dipped in stardust
they tread through the heavens
searching for God; searching for rest.

Some thoughts have clung to their skin
words stained with regret beat them down
walls of hope, crushed to rubble
a city of dreams had once existed within.

When you see a shooting star tonight,
remember that it is a star that is dead
carrying the lost to somewhere far away
an afterlife with meaning.

At the end of October,
the month of warmth before the ice,
the angels will donate a star to every soul
who cannot escape their haunted insides
a twinkle of light
in an otherwise eternity of darkness.
Halloween themed??
LN Oct 2014
There are too many days between us,
all filled with absence;
of words
of you
time incessantly steals moments
my heart may beat today but not tomorrow
and now you are not here
to hear how beautiful your name sounds like
uttered out of the purest love my heart can bleed.
LN Oct 2014
Similar to thread and needle through smooth silk
I embroider your name into my poetry.

I sold all the innocence I believed in,
to describe the fire I see in the subject of my words.

With all the blood that races in me
I make it stop;
silencing my heartbeat and tongue
to witness the art that you carry in your figure.

Suddenly the poet in me has forgotten how to write.
LN Oct 2014
i will not beat my heart for what it feels
find it emptying itself day by day
until what it held
leaves no traces inside
and watch my eyes darken
circles weighing heavily under wet eyelashes
in the face of the remnants of the storm that passed
naivety and regret coexist
debris out of a natural disaster
LN Oct 2014
we are made up of earth
our skin blends in with nature
disaster and beauty in our soulful eyes
finding love in between shifting plates
a newly found humanity
shaking our bones
but in the end
we drift away
existing oceans apart
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