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 Nov 2014 Ben Young
 Nov 2014 Ben Young
a microbe,
a stab,
in many years,
in a few minutes,
 Nov 2014 Ben Young
Seed Of Death
writing poetry is not easy, in fact your born with it.
some people say i cant do it, i agree.

As i sit here next to my inspiration i think, i think and think

my mind turning and turning just for the idea to come.

i get the idea I've been looking for.
i think i did good for not being good at poetry
i was inspired by karl Franssen who is sitting right next to me
 Nov 2014 Ben Young
Jeremy Bean
Over the years
all that you said
the glimmer in your eyes
with the way you looked at me
The words exchanged
those perfect moments in your arms
regardless of how seldom
and far between
they may have been
neither of us could escape
the passion shared
in spite of the short distance
that seemed a million miles
or how fate
always seemed to bring us back
to each others presence
as if time and space deemed it
which we always returned to
as if it were yesterday
when we least expected
but its your silence
that almost convinces me
it never meant a thing.
 Nov 2014 Ben Young
Aron De Ro
..Not a sentence sprints through my head
But one thought sticks- though you're not aware  
I dream of returning..with you laying there..
 Nov 2014 Ben Young
 Nov 2014 Ben Young
It feels calm yet perturbed
Carrying this weight of regret
Fills my heart with malevolent beats of distress
Pumping motions of prying blood
Purple tint stains as it cuts
Screaming in pain but to no avail
Help is not needed but weary the mind
"You’ll seek what you’ll find
Beneath the shadows of imminent time.”

Verged with desire
To seek the forgotten light
Above the skies and among the stars
Hidden within this immense universe
Waiting as it pours
To the ground with glinting flames
For when I will get better
I will turn all this mess
Into beautiful shades of existence
Prior to what has held to evade norms
To change what was lost
To be claimed and found.

To feel what is certain
Yet leading to disappointment
Crying in vain to appease regret’s misery
I believe in fate
To a whole new life’s beginning
Displeasing life to graze within its end
Without it,
It has no meaning.

The love we were once hurt to prevail
Learning to love and be loved again
And live in happiness until forever ends.
Everynight you'll have these thoughts that will haunt you till morning.
Insomnia. Let it rest.
Overcome it.
You are better than this!
You deserve every tinge of happiness in your dreams when you sleep.
So sleep and when you wake up,
Learn to love yourself again.

— The End —