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 Feb 2016 Beinghonest
Star Gazer
....And there he sat,
            From all the tales we told,
He became the monster we believed he was.

A once gentle soul,
                pressured into upheaval monstrosity,
To become a demon,
                 amongst men.

                       *******, ******* and ****,
Were his names,
           Till he was tired of defending himself,
And became those names he was known for.
 Feb 2016 Beinghonest
Star Gazer
My Queen is a metal in a volcano,
I hope I'm not being abrupt,
But I can feel it erupt,
Because she's a steel lava,
In other words I still love her.
 Feb 2016 Beinghonest
Star Gazer
Why would God create me?
What a waste of flesh...
Not exactly how I feel, but I know people who feel that way....
Everyone is beautiful in their own way, so why did God create you? To enrich the lives of those around you.
 Feb 2016 Beinghonest
Star Gazer
Oh how you continued to read my word,
And made me feel that my voice was heard,
I thank you all Hello Poetry members,
To those who kindly remembers,
That support was what put man on the moon.
Thank you to mystery, Impeccable Space Poettess, Mandie, Nameless, lucinda Julie, SPT, Vanessa , Vicki, Hannah, Misty Bliss, for taking the time to message me. I appreciate and am grateful for all the kind support.
 Feb 2016 Beinghonest

                                       TO DIE
                                    SO, QUIT
                               THE FIGHTING
                             AND ENJOY LIFE
                             CAUSE WE LIVE
                           ONCE NOT TWICE
                                  BUT ONCE!
Hope everyone like the tear drop quote :)
Copyright © 2016 D.E.T All Rights Reserved
 Feb 2016 Beinghonest
I want to run
I want to walk
But I don't want to stop on the way

I want to rise
I want to fall
But i don't want to stay as it is

I want to say truth
I want to say lie
But i don't want to be silent of my voice

I want to laugh
I want to cry
But i don't want to be numb and feelless

I want to live
I want to die
But i don't want to cease of existence

I want to shine
I want to be shadow
But i don't want to be none
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