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 Mar 2016 Alex Riley
Anna Vigue
It doesn’t matter what I type
As long as I type words
It doesn’t faze me what the hype
As long as I infer
The lyrics although musical
Just bounce inside my head
They always start with music
But the  words come out instead
It does have a tune.
The poor scientist

reads and researches the world

*missing the best part
I once fell asleep
                                     Inside of your warm embrace
                                                                                              *Never to awake
I called across sea
rolling depths swallowed my cry...
please return, my love.
 Mar 2016 Alex Riley
I’m friends with this girl named Ana, I started to eat less.
Hating the person in the mirror, my life has become a mess.
My best friend is named Ana, she always talks to me,
She tells me to skip meals, maybe two or three?
Ana is the one I listen to, she’s smart and full of advice.
I’m starting to get smaller, my health is the sacrifice.
Mia is my friend too, she pushes me around.
The food has become the enemy and I couldn’t lose a pound.
I’m scared of this girl Ana, I can’t get her out of my head.
It finally occurred to me, that Ana wants me dead.
Mia hurts me too, she makes me want to purge
Buying lots of binge food, I cannot stop the urge.
She even hurts my throat, it burns with every retch.
She even makes me exercise, it hurts when I stretch.
I hate Ana and Mia, they make my life a hell.
Someone please hear my silent screams because she won’t let me tell.
I’m a prisoner of Ana, I’m captive to her will.
I’m doing everything she tells, how can I be fat still?
My murderer is Ana, she starved me to the grave.
My heart finally stopped beating, I failed to be brave.
If you want a happy ending, this story’s not for you
Ana and Mia are silent killers and they’ll even **** you too.
The cracked stones I step on,
By time forced apart,
The roads that I walk down,
Reflect my broken heart,
The places I once loved just make me,
Want to go back to the start,
When the stones and roads you walked on,
Were as precious as art.

The time that passed,
May have made me change,
And after years and months,
I know I'm not the same,
But a piece of my soul,
Will always remain,
Untouched, unbroken,
Where she will stay.

Her eyes will not leave the back of my mind,
Not for long,
But that's okay,
She opened mine.
walk down
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