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 Sep 2020 Alex Riley
Writing a poem is "easy"
          My brain is loud
                 My heart covers her ears
                    And closes her eye.
Writes whatever but ends up in the
 Dec 2017 Alex Riley
Lior Gavra
Am I just a wheel?
Consuming meals?
A speck in blue sea?
Bound by what I see?
Life amongst trees?
Breathing means free?

Am I my beliefs?
The truth I seek?
Flag of a country?
Defined by currency?
A liability?
Part of society?

Am I what you see?
The way you judge me?
The values you pick?
First impressions stick?
Norm defined by you?
Do I dare to be rude?


I am who I choose.
I fill my own shoes.
I win when I lose.
I create my own views.
I see black beyond blue.
I pick me over you.

Who are we?
I am me.
Who are we?
Depends on you.
 Dec 2016 Alex Riley
ajit peter
 Dec 2016 Alex Riley
ajit peter
He came
He saw
He tried
He failed
The end
He lived
 Apr 2016 Alex Riley
Nina McNally
Beliving in yourself
Each day, you will become stronger!
Loving yourself for who you are;
In this moment,
Evenings so dark, but my heart's a
Vessel filled with love and kindness;
E**ach day I find a new reason to carry on and continue my journey.
©McNally, Inc.
An original acrostic
 Apr 2016 Alex Riley
Jakob Walker
The little boy lays on his side
By his TV he is hypnotized
No reason makes him want to rise
He wants to lay there and close his eyes

His life is hard
His body full of scars
The TV is blaring cars
While the boy's future seems as distant as Mars

The tele keeps him happy
The tele calms his mind
The tele keeps the demons away
For he knows no other way to make his day

As he inhales a new breath
He worries about the rest
How much he has left
His bed feeling much like a nest

As he closes his eyes
He thinks about tomorrow
In his bed he lies
Stuck in an inescapable sorrow.
 Apr 2016 Alex Riley
James Ellis
Though it may not have been as beautiful as I imagined
The day we watched the world end was my favorite

You painted the scenery and I sang you limericks
Our hearts never could understand society

I think this was the moment we were waiting for
A place where there were no more expectations

As the fires waged, your brush strokes replied
Every shout and cry could be replaced by another line

I know some may not understand,
But there really isn’t much to

There hasn't been such a simple existence
We had each other, and that was all we needed

Just as Nero played the lyre while watching Rome burn
You and I created on the day the world ended
Happy World Poetry Day! :-)
Time to rejoice
Jesus reign
How I love
To have the eggs blessed
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