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 Mar 2016 Alex Riley
The Dedpoet
Hey there,
Its been such a long time,
My arm is still in your murky water,
And I'm still here waiting for you.
But it's time to let you go,
I see you breathing under water,
And I can't wait for you anymore.
You brush away the hands that reach
Deep into your pain,
And though they know,
You just can't let it go,
So I can't watch you become a fish,
Because my life has to be lived,
I'll miss you and remember you
When you breathed air,
So now I'll let you swim away.
In response to the daily. Its personal.
 Mar 2016 Alex Riley
The Dedpoet
Because once I hated myself,
I didn't know who I was,
Depression ruled me,
And I never knew life in its forms;
      Suddenly I saw a place,
      Words had shapes and life,
      They held things like truth,
      But most of all truth of self.
See, if you write honestly
Then you can see outside
Of yourself, you become
More aware of the world.
     I figured the world was crazy,
     But I found a certain beauty
     In that too, so I wrote my depressed
     Self, all my pain.
I wrote for me,
to discover myself,
And you know what?
I found that I can tolerate
The world around me and
My crazy self through these lines.
     Now, I don't hate myself as much,
     I try to help others expand their
     Understanding of this artful
     Therapy, and I leave those
     Who cannot see beyond their
     Yesterday in that place.
Poetry is a way of dealing
With life's pain and social
Sharing of the craziness of poets.
But sometimes you see those
Who cannot move on,
Be careful, sometimes misery
Loves company.
Just honesty.
 Mar 2016 Alex Riley
Nathan Pival
No matter the amount
Of time or distance
Between us
Will change how close
I am to you

When I hear your voice
Or think of you
It closes the gap
And puts you right next to me

No amount of time or distance
Will change how I feel about you
Because you are always in my heart
Life can be hard, son
And before you know it
You wind up in the dirt

Beaten so hard
That you lose hope
But believe me when I say:
You've got to learn to cope

Your body, weak and worn
Your spirit, shaken and torn
You wonder
If you have the strength to stand

Will you be brave enough to fight again?

Get up off the floor
Dust off your knees and
Settle the score
Cause you don't win in life
By lying on your back
No, you don't win in life
When you cower in the sand

You can only conquer
The trials that are laid before you

Even if you can only muster
Up enough strength to get through today
Remember, this problem is only a grain of sand.
There will be more problems that come

Don't let it drag you down
If I had one wish
What would it be?

I'd wish that one day
I could live happily

No more tears
Shrouded in pain

No more fear
Of yesterday

No more checking
Over my shoulder

No more
Being pushed away

No more
Being cast astray

People would love me
In this very way

And I'd never have to worry
About my place
In this world

Because, for once
I would fit in
Anywhere I'd go
My mind
Searches for reasons why
I should care or be here at all

My soul
It yearns for something more
Something yet to come
Or something in the past
That has been taken from my

My heart
Aches and grows tired of beating
After every breath I take

My body
Has grown weary
From all the abuse
I give to myself from day to day

My skin
I wear it so well
But I want to get out of it
Because it's uncomfortable as hell

My eyes
Try to look towards a better life
But then I get snapped back
To where I started and I struggle to climb
The light outside
It keeps us bound for ever and ever
Always trying to get to it
But knowing we will never make
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