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Genevieve Apr 2014
I don’t want you to think I’m crazy
I’d rather tell you
I’m fine
Then have to explain
That the screaming in my head
Is getting too much
And that really
It’s just me talking to myself
I guess I’m scared
In case the voices shout at me
For trying to ask for help

I’d rather tell you
I’m fine
Then have to explain
That the voices in my head
That tell me
I’m not good enough
That tell me I should **** myself
That you don’t really like me
That no one really cares
Are actually my own

I’d rather tell you I’m fine
Then have to say aloud
That the only thing on my mind
Is the hundreds of ways
I have planned to **** myself

Or that I want to
Cut my skin open
Just to feel something more
Than this numbness
In hope that i can
Set the demons free
Because they hide
In my bones
And run through my blood
In my veins
Deep beneath my skin
Genevieve Apr 2014
At 2am

When all I can see

Are blood stains

And tears

on my sheets

I think to myself

How I ever got into this mess

And I realise

I cannot remember

A time before 

Genevieve Apr 2014
What is originality anymore?
The pop songs we listen to day in day out,
That are only updated remixes of
Songs that our parents
Already know every lyric to.

Is it the pranks we play on each other at school,
Poking holes in the top of water bottles,
So we don’t get caught when we try to catch our class mates.
Drowning them
In carbonated energy drinks.

Don’t think you’ll get away with it.
The teachers already know,
About flicking elastic bands at the backs of girls knees,
So they scream a little louder
And turn around to see
Boys smirking faces,
Because they have been there before.

Define originality.

. /əˌrɪdʒɪˈnalɪti/
1. the ability to think independently and creatively.

•the quality of being novel or unusual

synonyms: inventiveness, creativeness, creativity, innovativeness, innovation, novelty, freshness, newness, imagination, break with tradition, resourcefulness, cleverness, daring, individuality, unusualness, unprecedentedness, uniqueness, distinctiveness

Is it smuggling ***** in water bottles,
Or sneaking down to the back garden
To have one last cigarette with your friends,
At 1am
On New Years
When you have had more to drink than your parents
Yet you are only 15.
Watering down whiskey from your parents liqueur cabinet
With apple juice.

Getting caught drunk
After being out with friends, Stumbling in at 2am
On Sunday morning.

Storming up to your room
After having a row with your parents.
Slamming the door,
Screaming at the floor,
Calling a friend,
And ******* about the people who brought you into this world.

I’m not as good with words
Than I thought I was

O r i g i n a l i t y I s D e a d

Your parents Grandparents
Aunties and uncles
Have seen it all before
It’s a fact of growing up
And one day
You will too know
Exactly how it is
Idk I was just thinking too much
Edited because I didn't like itt

— The End —