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  Mar 2022 ell
And what would happen if you
Looked into my eyes...

And realised?

These glazed eyes,
A distorted tautologous window.

A facade of transparency.
The window is misted
It’s distorted with the touch of an October morning.

And I fear.

You will not see through this window,
This glass.
Until it has shattered,
And all that remains is a soul,
That has been freed.
UK Samaritans Number- 116 123
  Feb 2022 ell
Rupert Pip
I was drowning
in the passenger seat;
the road ahead
was flooded
no less,
and the
night above
bled out light
like a thatched roof
dressed with war wounds.

That storm we found ourselves in
was a peculiar one;
all my clothes were drenched
much were yours, I guess,
steering the wheel as you did.

The city was just so beautiful
on that night;
if only we could been there instead:
dancing and laughing, as we would.
We were far enough away
that it could have had its own
seatbelt on, sat besides me,
being thrown left to right
by all this
solemn debate.

"Everything will be alright."
the man on the radio sang,
...will it?
Everything will be alright.
  Feb 2022 ell
i need to stop
setting myself on fire
to keep you warm.
i keep burning for you.
  Feb 2022 ell
back at the beginning
stuck reminiscing
unforgiven but still forgiving
still not winning
alive but not living
these circles we run always end at the beginning
you and i
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