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Mar 2014 · 619
In my head
Ashlie Dene' Mar 2014
When will come the day
You never cross my mind
with all of the hurt and tears
that you left behind

when will come the time
That I'm not thinking of you
thinking of our memories
memories that I can't undo

when do I stop looking around
hoping you'll see me driving by
even though you're miles away
wondering if you pull up beside

and those songs on the radio
they remind me of us
Every word and every lyric
Its unfair, its unjust

when do I stop seeing your face
everytime I close my eyes
how do I keep from remembering
about the day we said goodbye

When do I stop trying
To find a place to hide
Its almost if I'm addicted
To all the pain inside

When do I stop beating myself up
It wasn't my fault
But I can't quite understand
Why we came to a halt

I just want to let you go
Forget about all my scars
Let my heart finally be free
From the love stricken bars

When will be the day
I no longer have the need
To pick up this ******* phone
To again, beg and plead.

when do i let go of goodbye
Stop hoping for another hey,
when will will I wake up and say
That moment is now, That day is today

I've moved on and am smiling
Cause I was finally strong,
To hold my own and be happy
Freedom I couldn't prolong.

But would it be worth it to let go
To not remember what we shared
To give up on for just a moment
Just how much we cared.

Truth be told
With enough to be said
It'll be a feat in my day
When you are finally out of my head
Dec 2013 · 559
My Path
Ashlie Dene' Dec 2013
There was never a set day
We really didn’t say goodbye
The day you moved away
Was the day my heart had died

Time is my enemy
An enemy I cannot ****
Yet the day we met each other
Time, for a moment, seemed to stand still

To our first embrace
To a once in a lifetime kiss
From your smile and your laugh,
It’s our time together ill truly miss

The songs say it right you know
I’d do it all just to be…
Even form a mere moment or two
For it to be us, just you and me

It’s an act of selfishness
To want so much from you
Some may say I’m greedy
I don’t know what else I can do

I’ve written you letters,
Letters and poems you will never read
for the true love we had
Signed just for you, your Ashlie

You may never ever read this
You might never know how I feel
You may never quite understand
How my love love for you was real

Though I’ve begged you to come back
We both know it couldn’t be
Distance put up a wall
That even love couldn’t beat

I expected too much
Too much of what you couldn’t give
We let each other finally go
So we may both have the chance to live

You would go your own way
I was forced to go mine
Though, I’m not sure where it is I am going
Or that I am following a straight line

Somewhere deep inside me
And I hope it’s inside you too
That maybe your path is to find me
And mine is again to find you
Enough said?
Nov 2013 · 388
To Love (10 Words)
Ashlie Dene' Nov 2013
To love

is to be vulnerable

without holding

yourself back
Nov 2013 · 541
Ashlie Dene' Nov 2013
By Ashlie Adams

My life is a flower
Unfolding every day.
Please give me attention
In each and every way.
If and when you turn me down
I argue to you I will die.
So listen up , I ask only this
Why, why, why?
\Enough about her
What about me?
Don't be so oblivious boy
Just look down for me
I really need attention too
For I will surly die
Tell me now and tell me true
Too late, now I cry
For my pedals now grow week
My life come to its end
I must say goodbye for now
Now, you'll always have one less best friend
This was one of the first poems I had ever written. Very awesome I found this!
Nov 2013 · 427
In my world
Ashlie Dene' Nov 2013
In my world
I see you face
Your wonderful smile
You love and grace
In my world
You feel out of place
And yet I see
Your love and grace
No matter what
Color and race
I still see
Your love and grace
I can't tell you
What my father will say
About our love
About our grace
I will love you
At any time or place
And what I love about you
Is your love and grace
Ashlie Dene' Nov 2013
You didn’t have to but you did
You took her in while others hid
You gave her a home and food to eat
You told her you loved her, how very sweet
We played out side and ran around
Then come inside when it was time to slow down
You didn’t have to but you did
You held her close while others hid
As the years pass on and pass by
We saw the weakness in her eyes
No doctor with reason could understand
What this god sent angel had
You didn’t have to but you did
You protected her while others hid
She was so special, Haylee May was
Special in ways, this was because
For in her eyes, twas not of sin
It like a human, who became our kin
You didn’t have to but you did
You loved her like family while others hid
Time goes on, with each day and week
Are precious angel now grows weak
Doctors again don’t know what to do
Then one suggest we think things through
We all sit in silence as we talk it out
This angel cannot suffer with out a doubt
You didnt have to but you did
You made a choice while others hid
July 5 2010
We all said our goodbyes and then again
You did have to but you did
You made the choice while others hid
I stayed with her by her side
And watched her blue human eyes
I told I loved her and said it would be ok
For heaven is where she went that day
I looked in her eyes and held her tight
As I told her it would be alright
We didn’t have to but we did
We sent her to heaven while others hid
We ended her suffering and with love in mind
You made the right choice, you must not be blind
You became her mother, and her best friend
You didn’t have to… but you did….
In loving memory of our beloved family member Haylee May Brownie 2005- July 5, 2010
Dedicated to the most devoted mother of three children, one cat, and an angel dog… Haylee… We love you and miss you very much….
Ashlie Dene' Nov 2013
Writing this doesn't mean as much as hearing it face to face, but this is the only way that I know how to say what has been on my mind.
I know we haven’t talked much, and we haven’t seen each other in a long time… but you know me, always thinking. I wanted you to know that I miss you.
Not like, I’m missing you because I regret everything or I want to see you again. A genuine, I miss you. It’s weird to think that someone I grew so close to is now a total stranger.  That I sometimes go an entire day without thinking of you… even just a little.  
Most of the time, I let myself forget and let go because it seems easier that way. And then I find myself thinking once again, because of a poem I wrote, or a picture of you slipped into a page of a book, or kept locked in my phone. And then the full weight of what’s been forgotten comes crashing into me once more. It’s not regret. We had our reasons for ending it, and they’re completely valid as ever. Back at the start however, we didn't have reason for anything.
It all just kind of happened.
We didn't have common interests, or similar goals. Most of the time we didn't get along that well.
But you know, we didn't need a reason to fall for each other, we just did.
The reasons came at the end, and everything that’s happened since has been all the reasons why. And that’s good. Its means that one day I might find someone I won’t have to say good bye to. That I will find someone who filled my heart with the love that you let me feel.
Mostly though, I miss just loving someone knowing that maybe, they love you back just as much, and that’s all.
I guess what I am trying to say is I really do hope things are good with you. I hope everything is great. I hope you have found or find a love that’s all the things ours couldn't be and I hope I find that too. But a small part of me hopes you will still remember what it was like before all the reasons… and that
you miss me too…
I realize this is not quite a poem, but a letter of goodbye. This letter was inspired by a friend who assisted with helping with saying goodbye.
Nov 2013 · 5.8k
It was time
Ashlie Dene' Nov 2013
Not long before you came around,
An empty heart and lost soul were found.
He who stood where you do now,
Our hearts and souls that took a vow.
Our given trust, our emotions ran deep,
A quickened clock, rushed to weep.
Then came time to speak the mind,
Looking for words I could not find.
Before your breath could unveil the truth,
Before my heart held its proof,
Words were spoken in my ear,
Heart wrenching words I’d always feared.
With heavy limbs, cheeks soaked and red,
Air meaningless, life was dead.
Like the few others who came before,
The ones who just walked out the door,
Its strength and power held within,
That picks one up to start again.
As strength grows, the heart soon finding,
Where you stand now, two hearts binding.
Forgetting scars I once knew,
Every time that I’m with you,
Like an open book you read so well,
Reading page after page you can always tell.
Like the words are written on my face,
All those worries, gone, without a trace.
Time now passes, weeks go by,
Remembering that incredible Fourth of July,
No matter the time, no matter the day,
My feelings for you could never be pushed away.
The more days past the more I knew,
I would never again, meet anyone quite like you.
Butterflies in my stomach I couldn’t believe,
That months would go, yet, I still perceived,
That you still felt the way you did,
On that fourth when all fears hid.
Without a warning, no doubt at all
You took a step back, you shielded you wall
From your actions, my heart plundered
The more time passed, the more I wondered.
Where you went, and why you shut down.
Why the hell were you not around.
All I saw was an empty shell
Thoughts of the past, you couldn’t dispel.
Put in a place you didn’t belong
Finally a decision you could no longer prolong.
Two years pushed you, broke you down inside
Two years taken, that you couldn’t rewind.
Past all the feelings, in the back of my mind,
Remembering why, I let my heart become blind.
Being reminded as time passed,
Knowing what we have, might not last.
Ticking time hit the clock,
I cannot run, I cannot walk,
Away from time which haunts me so.
Away from heartache, I’ve come to know.
Every moment spent with you,
Another memory I won’t undo.
I’ve grown so close, in fact too much,
Close to something I cannot touch.
They pass again, the hands of time,
And I hate the way there is no rhyme,
No rhyme, no reason, I’m left behind.
Praying… wanting time to just rewind.
Watching you leave, my heart feels death
Feeling our last kiss, our final breaths.
Keep in your mind, always know
That is was time, that let us grow
That is wasn’t long before you came around,
It was my heart and soul that you found.
No one can stand where you do now,
Because my heart and soul took a vow.
A given trust, emotions ran deep,
These are words to remember, words to keep.
<3   <3   <3   <3   <3
Time let me see, something I felt… something I already knew
The moment you walked away, I realized just how much…
I truly loved you.
If you choose to share this, I ask that you quote me. This was a piece of art that took two months to write and years to edit. Thank you and I hope you enjoy.

— The End —