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All the stars in the nights sky
She shines brighter I can't deny
So beautiful in the nights sky
Watching her twinkling by
With a smile on my face
And as my heart begins to race
I'm listening to the
The angels sing my favorite lullaby
With a smile on my face and
I love you so much with all of my heart
And together forever we'll be and never to part.
True Love ❤️💖😘
 Nov 2020 Ashley Rodden
She doesn’t always look the same
Sometimes she’s a silver sphere
Fooling you that she is bright
But she’s just a mistress of the night

Sometimes only half of her you can see
Following you wherever you’ll be
She hides while dancing in the sky
Half, still a full beauty up high

In time, she becomes thin, crescent
Like a smile, a blissful moment
She looks delicate, discriminating
Only a part of her, still breathtaking

And only those prison of the night
Will witness the euphoric stint
Of showing pieces of her then
The beauty of becoming whole again
Look up, what shape do you see me tonight?

This is inspired by Phases, a poem by Midnight Rain, my friend here at HP. Thank you for the inspiration :)
The moon woke up the sun and told her his night was done.
The sun she said to her love, rest now my love your weary head.
All day she shone her very best and all the world loved her there.
Then as the night began to fall she gave the sunset her very all.
The moon he woke in such delight, and looked upon her all the night.
As she slept her light it shone, reflecting off her love the moon.
Night after night after night.
For my daughter. Was a little bit of magic explaining the world
 Nov 2020 Ashley Rodden
He Po(ker) is a joker.
This card game is a waste.
How, I pray, can we all play
When we can't CUT and PASTE?
Together in love
It's you and me
And forever in life
We'll be,
Man and wife.
Lover's ❤️💕❤️💕
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