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2.8k · Aug 2014
Losing You
No one knows
How much I miss you
Hearing those stories of you many times
I remember every detail
You both were so precious
I still remember you
I'd never forget

Even though I haven't met you
I would never, not love you
Such a big part of me was lost that day
I wasn't even one years old

One word of you both could put me to tears
It breaks my heart knowing they're not happy tears
you both should be standing here today

I never understood what happened
But one day I did
And the tears beat through my eyes
They poured out like a dam being broken

You both were taken away too early
Heaven is your resting place
But if I had one wish
I'd wish that we never had to face the fact that we were
Losing you
1.0k · Oct 2014
Broken hearts

Life passed by in a matter of seconds
Things would never be the same
As my heart wrenched in pain

Day after day
Things got worse

How could you let this happen
Making me think things were fine
That's where I drew the line

I cried day and night because of you
Months without you
I forgot all about your pretty little face
But then you walk back into my life
Reality hit me harder than you leaving
Sight of you made me forget all self control

You told me
"Baby I miss you, I promise I'll never leave"
"You are my life and I love you"
It tore me to pieces seeing you cry for me
*I never wanted you back

Yet words slipped out
"The things you did are unforgettable"
"But here's one last token"
*"Next time please don't leave me broken."
830 · Nov 2014
I can't fathom the thought of love.

the selflessness

the two hearts beating as one

the butterflies that flip around in sight of your partner

the little hellos that makes the blood rush to your cheeks

or the nights that you miss them terribly that you can have them there to hold just by a call

but that's the only the good part...

But what about the Cons to the Pros?

the tears that fight it's way out to see the world

the lonely nights in your bed

the fights and arguments about being unfaithful

or the 75% of breaking up because of the incompatibility between the two hearts that were to beat as one.

That's why I can't fathom the thought of love

One day it's something so beautiful

Like something as beautiful as Disneyland to a 4 year old

But then the next day, It's something so unbearable

Like losing your favorite blanket  that was given to you by a passed on relative.

How could something so beautiful to the eyes be so dark and treacherous on the inside?

— The End —