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Aug 2015 · 495
Greatest Pleasure in Life
Ariana Aug 2015
The greatest
pleasure in life is
doing what
people say you
cannot do
May 2014 · 828
Born So Surprised
Ariana May 2014
When I was
born I was
so surprised
I didn't talk
for a year
and a half!
May 2014 · 2.4k
Ariana May 2014
Does not always mean you are
wrong and the other person is

It just means you value
your relationship more
than your ego.
May 2014 · 891
Don't Fake Perfection
Ariana May 2014
"I was born
to make mistakes,
not to
fake perfection."
May 2014 · 440
Don't Know Everything
Ariana May 2014
You know my name,
not my story.
You've heard
what I've done,
not what I've been through.
May 2014 · 5.1k
Broken Promises? No Sorry!
Ariana May 2014
Promises mean everything,
but after they are broken,
sorry means nothing!
May 2014 · 502
Being Used Not In My List
Ariana May 2014
Don't talk to me
because you are "BORED."
I'm not here to
And don't come to me
when you need a FAVOR.
I don't like being USED.
May 2014 · 426
Is There A Tomorrow?
Ariana May 2014
You can't have a
better tomorrow
if you don't stop thinking
about yesterday!
May 2014 · 3.4k
I'll Never Stop Loving You
Ariana May 2014
I will stop loving you,
when an apple fruit grows
on a mango tree,
on the 30th day
of February.
This quote, I hope it goes to everybody because I want everybody to have a peaceful life and a man/woman who appreciates the way you are and respects you for the great man/woman you are!
Have a nice day!
May 2014 · 5.9k
#65 Friends 24/7
Ariana May 2014
Friends are the
bacon bits in the
salad bowl of life!
May 2014 · 3.0k
Ariana May 2014
A good friend is like a good bra,
hard to find,
very comfortable,
and always close to the Heart.

— The End —