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arham Oct 2013
You can call me
With my fancy words and
My endless rants
These beautiful words, worlds and
Fantasy lives.

I talk about being alive in
The lilt of those words the
Curve of my tongue rolling off every
Lush little letter I talk
About poetry and magic and
An exasperating universe.
And god! I'm breathless

With the chaos of this beauty
And the beauty of this chaos.
And god every deep
Breath is another burst
Of magic and every new word
Settles into the depths of my

****, I try to be humble but
Everything in me sways
And sashays
To the rhythm of these words
And its song entwined with the
Melody of my heart, I dance
And I jump and hum with all this joy.

Never pretentious.
Always alive.
arham Mar 2014
I am free
or supposed to be
Each new sentence you sprout
Has another bar coming down
I walk into invisible walls
I wasn't claustrophobic before this
Now the air feels like cement in my lungs
A step forward is a step out of line
Anything you don't want to hear is wrong
I am a porcelain doll
A pawn in my own life
You play out your ambitions through
When did I become so weak?
When did I give up?
So many things they took away. I will never be the same person again.
Sometimes it feels like they're conspiring to keep the happiness at bay.
arham Jan 2015
The horizon
A fog dusted oblivion
And you
All alone
Random late night musing.
arham Dec 2012
Shades of red shinning through the curtains,
  bouncing off the walls.

Red, red, red dripping down the warm skin,
  stealing all the life.

Red in the morning, the middle of the night,
  creeping down your neck with a knife in the back.

Red in the dark and red in the light,
  red on your breath and red in your bed.

Take a brush, paint it red,
  your whole world is red!
arham May 2013
There is this darkness
This unease
Clawing inside me
My dwindling faith
I don't know how to fix
See I've been searching for God
But he seems to be nowhere
There are answers I want
Do signs mean anything?
I feel incomplete
Like I'm tethered to a cliff
By a strand that's wearing down
arham Apr 2011
Those where the days
No worries
Nothing holding me back
Everyday was a new adventure
Everything was simple

It seems that time was short lived
Now sweeps in destiny and fate
Heavy with both hands
Pushing me down
Making me do things

Its hard to resist the temptation
To lie back and do nothing
To fall into an emptiness
A calm sensation

So I fall back
Into a cool and calm place
Laying, just laying

This is the end I think
Nothing left to do, I smile

The end is finally calling out
arham Jul 2014
I'm a big city girl
but sometimes it feels like
my life is in a hole
with everything caving in
and the landslide suffocating.
arham Jan 2015
I am bad at falling in love
I trip over the broken bones of every word I never found the guts to say
I am broken more often than I am whole and even then I am still broken
I write dreams and fantasies at the back of my hand
I misspell the word trust on a daily basis
I dance with my own shadow when dusk settles down
I whisper truths only when the lights go out
I make sure I'm alone in already empty rooms
I hold my breath and scribble notes, scrambling to survive
This is a work in progress.
arham May 2014
She's just a
Little girl
She knows
Better than
This world is not for the fragile
arham Jul 2014
Hands find the railing
Feet fly two feet into the air
and I'm wondering how hard it would be
to prop yourself up on a ledge.
The air is chilly but I've been cold for a while.
Buses zoom by.
It's tomorrow and you're not cold anymore.
Just certain.
But your certainty is so uncertain
I am nerve wrecked, unnerved, dissolving into a disgraceful puddling fume
arham Apr 2011
Hoping for something more
Like a loveless crime
Where'd the passion go
Incomplete... Can't think of anything else.
arham Oct 2016
Your hands feel like forest fires
Erupting on my skin
Each graze
A new scar
I will take
To the shallow grave of my heart
arham Feb 2013
I could wish you a well full of pennies
And for every scar you've left behind
You can pull out a penny
And shove it down your throat
Or better yet
Drag it across the cold, hard walls around your heart
Like you dug your nails into the flimsy walls of mine
Till I bled you a river
I remember the dark red liquid in your elegant crystal chalice
It might as well have been my blood
You might as well have ****** me dry
I might as well have died there and then.

Or better yet, slain you.
arham Nov 2013
And ten years from now when my daughter comes up to ask me I'll say
Don't ask me about Hiroshima, or Nagasaki, or the ten thousand other wars
Led more by human emotions running amuck than
By mankinds infinite need to be superior.

And there were rivers of blood and tears
Because mothers sitting in puddles of blood holding onto parts of their children
Because they felt incomplete
Because there weren't enough parts left behind
By the wreckage of the explosion that was meant to **** all of them
Yet ended up saving half of them and honey, don't get me wrong,
But the ones who were killed were the ones who were saved.

All that was left behind was flesh strewn all over the place
In an unidentifiable mess of who's -who
And silhouettes of men, women and children in a radius that numbers could never account for
Because honey, the affected weren't limited to the bounds of the city meant to be destroyed.

And generations later,
You can still see the scars and the ghosts they will never forget
And will hold onto like those carbon silhouettes
So don't ask me about Hiroshima, or Nagasaki or that endless stream of wars
Because honey, in a world where children are taught the word war before peace
I don't want to you to know that when I say humanity has no bounds
It goes both ways.
Emulating Andrea Gibson  :)
arham Jun 2016
We are drowning ships
crashing planes
falling skies

We are tragedies that never got
in ink
but blood

We are disasters they forgot
to record
or observe
or announce
or save
or help

We are train wrecks that needed saving
Instead you covered your eyes
Shielded your children
Dumped the wreckage into landfills
That are eating away at our plant


This world, it is ours
Yours and mine
It is not a kingdom that is your
birthright to take
to force yourself on
your rules
your mistakes
your judgement
your hearts

We are people
At every turn
every word
every day
every breath

We are still people
still alive
still able
still fighting
belonging to a world that has never accepted us
made space for us
let us belong

But we are belonging
This is pretty rough. Maybe I'll come back to it and fix it up eventually, but here it is for now.

— The End —