Destruction and shackled remains,
Ashen souls blowing here and there,
Swirling winds from the Middle East,
Storms of hurt carried in each grain of sand,
The wind still blows it's aggression !
Entrusted with your heart,
Full of tragic and traumatizing
Loss and terror forms on the corners of my eyes,
Shedding devastation and hopelessness,
Weak chains fail to protect,
Your anonymity to sane,
Quiescent after the experience,
Demise changes you,
But a broken heart kills you,
Smothering you internally and externally,
Constricting the veins in your heart,
Blood that once flowed evenly
now flows unevenly,
**** !
I need to stop thinking so much about abyss.
Destruction and shackled remains,
Ashen souls blowing here and there,
Swirling winds from the Middle East,
Storms of hurt carried in each grain of sand,
The wind still blows it's aggression !
Agonizing mishaps,
Assumed abhor,
Eliminate the thought,
It's just a step to succeed,
Don't back down,
But no !
Stop, say's my heart,
My brain ceases,
Glass breaks,
Cutting deep through my wounds,
My scars not healing,
My truth revealed,
Aghast to a rate of proximity,
My conscience,
Though liberating the chains of my heart,
Silhouettes of anguish dancing in my head,
Hallelujah happiness !
Destruction and shackled remains,
Ashen souls blowing here and there,
Swirling winds from the Middle East,
Storms of hurt carried in each grain of sand,
The wind still blows it's aggression !