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  Jan 23 apricot
if i was icarus
and the wax on my wings melted
i would have apologized to you
for splashing the ocean water on you

if you stabbed me
and i was dying
i would have apologized to you
for getting blood on your shirt

if we fought
and didn't make up
i would have apologized to you
for saying sorry

i'm sorry.
apricot Jan 23
I must admit
I was never true
It just never seemed unfair
to you
I can never express how sorry I am
she was 12,
of course no one believed her.
she was 12,
of course she was blamed.
she was 12,
of course she thinks its her fault.
she was 12,
of course they laughed at her when she opened up about it.
she was 12,
of course she thought it was love.
she was 12,
of course it was the clothes.
she was 12,
of course she couldn't press charges.
she was 12,
of course it still haunts her.
she was 12,
of course she's disgusted by her self.
she was 12,
of course she wasn't taken seriously.
she was 12.
  Dec 2024 apricot
Lost Indeed
I must confess  
I have been writing about you...  
In my hidden rhymes, I can scream.  
In my lost poems, I feel seen.  

I'm afraid to confess how much I feel.  
I'm scared to overwhelm, to isolate, and push you away.  
But these words may never find your eyes,  
hiding in these lines that I will never say.  

Saying that you stole my heart would be a lie.  
You took so much more of what is mine...  
You have my attention, my memories, and my dreams.  
Fine, you have my art, my poetry, my time.  
F*CK IT... keep my salvation, my future, my life.
apricot Dec 2024
I don't know
I just wish I wasn't breathing
If I wasn't breathing
Would that change your mind?
apricot Dec 2024
I don’t wanna talk right now.
I just wanna watch TV
I’ll stay in the pool and drown.
So I don’t have to watch you leave.
And I’ll be in denial for at least a little while
What about the plans we made?
TV by Billie Eilish. My dog recently passed away, and these lyrics are all that's on my mind.
  Dec 2024 apricot
Fat, fat, fat.
All I see is fat.
I am the "chunkiest", the "chubbiest", the "roundest" and the "ugly pig".
I might as well be a rat, the biggest of the big.

Fat, fat, fat,
All I see is fat.
I am "just right", "average", "normal" or "perfect size."
They lie every single time, and hell, just 'like that'.

Fat, fat, fat,
All I see is fat.
I am "too skinny!", "I wish I looked like you", "wow! Size zero jeans?!" and "underweight".
Yet, I refuse to touch this cold, stocked plate.

Fat, fat, fat,
All I see is fat.
I am "awful", "dying", Miss "eat something" and "throne of bones".
Yet, this body will never be my souls rightful home.

Fat, fat, fat.
All I ever will be is fat.
Even in a long gown and stuck to the end of an I.V pole,
With doctors and psychatrists and loved ones crying and begging me to just "recover, please come home!"

I am still fat.

The hospital bed is empty,
My bed is left untouched,
There is a silence as the wearers in black all sob and stare silently at the body in the ground.
Devasted and hushed...

I see them, but can no longer speak.
No longer able to feel, no longer live,
Forced to watch time pass and hearts mourn...
Their days now heartbroken and bleak.

My  best friend doesn't speak, she now sits alone,
My mother sobs every night, family reminded
so often of my presence,
The one who secrelty loved me has loved no more,
Even my pets still wait outside my door.

Those who knew me, only can remember me in the things left behind,
Even the sun itself rarely shines.

Dead, lost, gone.
I am no longer fat,
But I also no longer- belong.
Recovery is worth it. <3
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