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apricot 1d
Tears fall down my face  
Heart heavy with sorrow  
Memories linger close  
Aching for tomorrow.

Gone too soon  my dear  
Leaving me alone  
Life will never be the same  
In this empty home.
My uncle died almost 6 years ago, and it was his death date recently so I wrote this for him.
Fly high, Uncle Gus
  3d apricot
i need a hug,
not a false side one.
a really long one.
one in which i just disappear from the world.

nothing else will matter.
not the fact that me and you
have both moved on and found someone new.
i need one so tight
that i can feel my bones being crushed and pressured
until they s h a t t e r .


because all of what i've seen
is pain and hurt.
people fall and are pushed to
instantly get back up and brush off the dirt.

let's hug.
apricot 3d
We're like the joy and the pain
My mom and I, we don't get along
We're like the peace and the storm
My mom and I, we don't get along
  6d apricot
Ciel Noir
the cage that I am in
is made of fear

you turn your head away
I am still here

and in the night
I bet you hear me scream

I bet you feel my terror
when you dream

I am your shadow
I am here to stay

I am you
I will never go away


let me fly
let me be free

I will not rest
until I find the key
apricot 6d
The gentle waves whisper secrets to the shore
As the seashells glisten in the sunlight
A symphony of colors, shapes, and textures
Each one with a story to tell

The ocean breeze carries tales of distant lands
Of pirates and mermaids, of shipwrecks and lost treasures
The rhythm of the sea drums in my heart
A lullaby from Mother Nature's own lips

I walk along the sandy shore
Feeling the cool water tickle my toes
A sense of peace washes over me
In the presence of this vast, eternal world

I pick up a seashell, hold it to my ear
And listen to the song of the sea
A melody of memories, of dreams, of hopes
Echoing through the chambers of my soul
apricot Sep 9
In the realm of eternal sunshine,
Where the skies are forever divine,
The clouds are made of cotton candy,
And the breeze whispers sweetest wine.

The flowers bloom in vibrant hues,
Their scent fills the air with dews,
The bees and butterflies dance in delight,
In this place where time stands still and bright.

The sun shines bright with golden rays,
Warming the souls and brightening days,
The waves roll in with gentle grace,
In this haven where all is in place.

The stars twinkle like diamonds at night,
A celestial show of pure delight,
The moon glows with a soft embrace,
In this realm of eternal sunshine and grace.
Stream the album eternal sunshine by ariana grande!
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