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Anna Mosca Feb 2015

may we find a way

to silence the loud

obsessive thoughts

sons of fear to welcome

the ones shaped as wings

a conglomerate of lightness

feathers on strong muscles

to allow us to soar through

life’s beauty with our beak

open wide
All these poems are from The California Notebook collection from
Anna Mosca Feb 2015

not sure if it’s a song

my ear gathers or a

story gently murmured

out of the blue water

sailing between ridges

innumerable notes

I listen to these secret

codes I lightly stare

at the creases an

opening on the

All these poems are from The California Notebook collection from
Anna Mosca Feb 2015

let me wear existence

to move easily around

infinitude of problems

mind never ceasing

grudges uttered

between harsh words

I forgot I was once clad

with petals and blossoms

delicate easing out

fragrances as dreams

you don’t pay attention

nor have some sense

of smell no more sense

ordinary days of wasting

away in full daylight
All these poems are from The California Notebook collection from
Anna Mosca Feb 2015

allow me to dive

beneath the surface

of things told once

into a stream of


into a sea of muffled

noises moving

slowly within a

smile performed

with my eyes as

you watch me

desiring sleep
Anna Mosca Feb 2015

what makes

the difference

between a word

and a scream

the curiosity

of seeing behind
past knowledge

to have the gaze

of who had never been

troubled by notions

foggy clouds
of opinions to be

carried away

swiftly over

the land disappearing

now light as dust
All these poems are from The California Notebook collection from

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