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Nicole Jun 2015
Estuche polvoriento,
¡cuántas anécdotas has guardado!
Refrescas cada memoria,
revives el pasado.

Son asombrosos los sentimientos
forzados a quedarse en el olvido
junto con las personas
que el tiempo se ha llevado consigo.

Estuche polvoriento,
has desatado sonrisas inesperadas,
acentuando mis mejillas,
detonando lumbradas.

Es como hallar una pieza del rompe cabezas,
que durante el arduo camino de la vida,
había quedado extraviada.

¡Qué gratificante momento;
lo que son los recuerdos!
Siento que el vigor me has devuelto,
oh, pequeño estuche polvoriento.
Nicole Jun 2015
Mi inspiración es escasa,
he sentido que algo me falta.
Quiero que me toques,
que me hagas sentir tuya una vez más,
que seamos dueños de la noche,
que nos ahoguemos en el deseo.
Quiero que seas como águila;
que de lejos tomes posesión de mi cuerpo con la mirada
y que con garras afiladas me tomes
y me lleves al punto más alto.
Mantén prisionero mi cuerpo,
ten control total.
Quiero que seas como serpiente venenosa,
que me inyectes de tu substancia,
que por más mortífera,
me endulces la vida,
que así sea por un solo instante,
me hagas alucinar.
Quiero que me asfixies,
que provoques el mayor de los suspiros,
dejando parecer que es el último,
aunque sepa que luego me dejarás en libertad
Quiero que me tomes esta noche,
te permito que me optes como presa,
que seas como animal feroz hambriento,
devorando cada extremidad.
Solo una noche,
una noche más.
Necesito que tomes mi cuerpo,
que me devuelvas mi musa,
aunque por una noche
pierda la cordura.
  Jun 2015 Nicole
i won't ask for help unless i'm certain i can make it on my own
because if i'm not going to, no help will help

i don't talk about my real feelings
i'd rather to pretend to have the ones i should
so why should anyone trust me?
i'm a liar
i'm a good person, but am i? i say i don't judge
but of course i do; this world is too ******
i'm ****** up from the get go
before my real life started, i was destroyed and just when
i was supposed to find freedom
i had to find survival first
i'll never say what i want; i don't think i deserve it
i will not ask for anyone to understand
i always think i've done something wrong
that's a feeling i am used to

i'm supposed to be most dangerous because i know i can survive?
how about -- i'm your weakest link because i am deathly afraid to go back to where i've been?
i'm supposed to know i have the strength
i'm supposed to use what i've been through to my advantage
how about -- you could knock me out with a good plan and a nice final leaving line?
how about -- you could hit me in the face and i would feel, deeply, that i deserved it?
what if i told you i feel that i am the most vulnerable soul walking the earth, and i can barely stand to type it because, well... who is going to use it against me?
they tried to crush me when they thought i was strong.
they did.
Nicole Jun 2015
I think I belong to someone,
someone who was everything for me,
someone who made my world spin,
because of a commitment I once did to him
and I keep with the thought that I should honor it.

But sometimes,
things aren't how I expect them to be,
he's no longer in my life,
and everything is changing.

The truth is,
I should move on,
I have to move on.

Being stuck with those thoughts
isn't going to help,
isn't going to make things how they were
isn't going to give me any answer.

I know I did a commitment to you,
about being only yours and that stuff,
but now everything is different
and my only priority is to be happy,
even if you are gone
and I have to do it by my own.
As the time goes on, new things and people are going to arrive and will make me feel the way I once did. Meanwhile, what's better that honor myself by being happy and reach everything I want, with or without that specific person?
  Jun 2015 Nicole
Natalia Rivera
Quisiera guardar la aurora boreal  en una pequeña caja de cristal, y colocarla en mi tina.
Para que cuando me bañe, sea la luz tenue que me ilumine mi cuerpo.
Tomar las corrientes del río y echarles burbujas, que los cuatro vientos me las ponga a volar.
Pintar el cielo de verde y el suelo de turquesa.
Por mis venas corre el tequila y en mis oídos  tus cuadros me cantan la brisa de las praderas.
Miro el collar de estrellas que me hiciste, y el traje que siempre me quitaste.
La luna baja a besarme la ausencia de tus manos y me ahogo en el pensamiento de que te amo.
Dulce niño de ojitos morenos,me tienes en un embrujo.
Me revuelcas el alma con besos, y tus manos me hacen vivir el cielo.
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