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 Aug 2015 Teresa
Liz And Lilacs
 Aug 2015 Teresa
Liz And Lilacs
Will you hide from the sun?
Or shall you bask in
Its golden rays and
Warming light.
The sun touches all,
Reaches all,
Sees all.
You cannot hide from the sun,
But you can try.
 Aug 2015 Teresa
I do not know if the length of a day is too short or too long.
Either way I feel the fragility of life itself
Sometimes feeling rushed
Other times like forever
 Aug 2015 Teresa
Devon Haley
From what I've seen of love,
I believe it doesn't last.
There's no such thing as fairytales
And happy endings never stood a chance.
Broken hearts paint a ****** trail
Of fear, regret, and pain.
All the hope, all the tears-
Every effort was in vain.
She'll never get him back,
And he'll never find a love like her.
We are imperfect people,
In a loveless world.
 Aug 2015 Teresa
said and done
 Aug 2015 Teresa
Like most days
I spent my time pondering
And I thought...
In the end,
When all is
Said and done,
Will I have
More than I have
Just a thought that crossed my mind.
 Aug 2015 Teresa
 Aug 2015 Teresa
Why is it
That we must
In love,
Like we fall into a trap?
Everything that falls
Gets broken.
*Love is
Fated to end in broken pieces
From the very beginning.
Just an old poem I dug up.
 Aug 2015 Teresa
love's identity
 Aug 2015 Teresa
Some say
Love is a temptress;
Luring prey into its trap,
Set so innocently
So that victims
Walk blindly into it.

Some say
Love is a trickster,
Cunning and deceitful;
That it intoxicates the soul
And hides the truth.

Some say that it
Kidnaps them,
Brainwashes them,
And leaves nothing but pain
And suffering.

I say
Love is the chance
That no one takes,
The dream
That all fear,
The ambition
That no one feels worthy of.

I say
Love is the soul;
So afraid of death
That it never learns to
 Aug 2015 Teresa
Liz And Lilacs
It is my theory
that we are all connected.
From the thread around your finger
to the ribbon on her wrist
and the rope tightened on my neck.
Every action has a consequence,
because when you pull on the string;
*something unravels.
 Aug 2015 Teresa
Claudia Tara
It beats with the sound of whispering pages,
scrawling pens through passing ages.
With blood of ink that curls and flows,
in words or in symbols that nobody knows.
My paper heart that beats apart word by word in me.

Each beat is a chapter, each word so true,
Once Upon a Time It beat just for you.
It beats out now stories in it's leather case,
a soft, hard cage to keep the pages safe.
A paper heart that bleeds apart, not for eyes to see.

The ink is pain, the ink is love,
the ink is life, the ink is blood.
Hear my words, feel the ink,
judge my words. What do  you think
My paper hart that falls apart, so may it set me free.

Ink for blood, a paper soul,
a leather case, beats to a goal.
To let me live, every day
I need my heart, so leave it this way.

My paper heart right from the start
it's who I am, beats so I can
stay alive, and maybe thrive.

It beats, it bleeds, it falls apart.
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