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 Aug 2023 Louise
Glenn Sentes
Bakit tinuring na pananampalataya ang pagpagal sa luhuran?
Hinaing na tumagos sa kaluluwa't banal hayo't di na natanggal--mantsang nakabaon 'gang hukay.

Dinalangin ang sarap at ginhawa sa kahoy na nakahubad sa kapwa kahoy
Tiningala nga't sinamba
Binalahura nama't minura.

Anu't ano pa'y pumaslang at nanggahasa
Nagnakaw at nagpakasasa
sa salapi at tawag ng laman
Nang mahulog sa bangin ay biglang tinawagan ang minura't binalahura.

Iligtas mo ako.
Lumuhod ka, sabi Niya.
Nakikipagusap ba ako sa patal at mangmang?
Heto nga't sugat na'ng mga kamay sa kapitan lumuhod pa ang sigaw ng Dinakilang Hangal?

Lumuhod ka!
Ilang ulit pang sinugo ng tinig na hindi tanto ang poot sa anak na ang sungay tumubo hanggang likod.

Lumuhod ka.

Lumuhod ka.
 Aug 2023 Louise
Kit Scott
 Aug 2023 Louise
Kit Scott
i believe in a gentle kind of love
all soft and soothing and
just right
when i am so terribly, irritatingly fragile
fingers running down my back while we lie
rib to rib, heart to heart
listening to the beat, and to the breath
and perhaps it is that, in this world of rough and tumble
of screaming and aching, to believe in a love kind and sweet is
a naivety but i find that
because of all this roaring outside our window, i much prefer
to think of that love sweet and kind
and us, tangled around each other, i think, yes

i find that i believe in a gentle sort of love
I am but
one star
in the
that you
I am but
a rain's
it is
the ocean
that you
need to
swim in.
upon me.
and jump
within me.
I long
to be
for thee.

written by me... ..
 Apr 2022 Louise
my jupiter
 Apr 2022 Louise
i've always liked space.
the idea of exploring
the final frontier; beyond
and into everything.
when i was in university
i wanted to be an astronaut
with a literature degree—
i thought hey,
why take maths and science
up there, but not language?
not poetry?

it's all well and good if we meet aliens,
but what will they know of us
without first knowing how we love?
i would bring a book of love poems
to the extra-terrestrials
and explain that the finest human condition
is one of devotion.
science got us upwards,
but love gave us the idea.

i'll never be an astronaut.
i think some people are destined
to become the dust that made us;
that shaped us. some of us
are our mother's children,
born on earth to die here too,
but we dream. what are we
if not made of dreams?

at night, i look at the moon.
sometimes, it is so big and full
that my heart swells with it.
my chest bursts like i've stepped
into the light of a space station
without a space suit.
that tiny little moment before death,
in which i am one with the universe,
and it makes me so small.

but, oh. out—
out into the glow of a thousand suns.
little poet in the wide universe,
loving his way upwards.
loving someone so much
that he understands
what it feels like to take
such a great leap.

with her, i know the stars.
i asked my girlfriend what her fav space thing was and she said she liked jupiter. it's a fitting title because this is for and about her
 Apr 2022 Louise
i have started to see my life
in shades of pink.
these days, it's all sunsets
and grapefruits
and a little extra blush
on a summer evening.

my life has never been
pink before. i have hit every pixel
on the colour wheel,
but never pink. never
smoked salmon mornings
and raspberries for lunch
and cranberry lemonade.
never happy; now happy.

one day soon, my life will be purple
as usual. close to blue,
closer to red, hitting the sweet
spot and resting there. close
to pink. closest to pink.
one day, when mania is over
and summer evenings
become autumn afternoons,
i will keep the pink in my pocket
and carry it everywhere.
 May 2019 Louise
Bogdan Dragos
you don't exist when
my eyes are open
you don't exist when
my blood's not poisoned
when my soul's at peace
when my gut is full
and when I'm in company

So you exist most of the time
dear muse
 Dec 2018 Louise
i watched you slipped away
slowly taken away by time
the morning
you died in my arms
i didn’t know i could die
a million times
i miss you everyday
sleep now my love
close your eyes
when you open them
no pain, no tears
you’ll be in paradise
sleep now my love
i’ll watch over the night
when you perish
by the morning light
i’ll sing you a lullaby
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