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Sun drips
on leaves

not the backyard variety
but the trembling kind

the kind
that welds night-time
intermissions to
the roof of the mouth

the timely concealment of
a very, weary
inanimate object
at the brink

just enough hip
to be woman

just enough wild
to be frontier

I want to get under your skin
Infect your within
Shot of my witch’s brew
It might make you itch
At first
Then thirst
You feel the spirit of me
Almost physically
Thirst turns to burn
The pilot light
Is on
Fuel parasite
Maybe useful it be
We will see
A Catastrophe
Guarantees change forever
Broken eggs happen
Reality, Webster’s Word of the Day
A monumental tragic event and utter failure
When the words from my lips can’t be contained or controlled
And the yearn of my body
Can combust or explode
There’s three little words that I want you to know
That are deep in my heart, and are felt in my soul
When a stare or caress
Does no justice or fails
To express my condition
In the minor details
Just three little words can describe or express
What I know in my mind, and I can feel in my chest
These are the words that I say unto thee
I love you, I love you, could you love me?
 Jul 24 Anais Vionet
Walking around Vak-Kil
Your advice and words remind us that the purpose of life is to experience it
Taste it
Enjoy it
Savor it all
When FDR was still living and after
The walls echo of the great and small you entertained there
Many photos and feeling as if your spirit is there even now and forever more
You were almost President for you filled the role at a time it was not accepted
Wonder what advice you would have for Vice President Harris today?
As we left your gravesite at Hyde Park, you left an impact

All of the books written about you and those you authored still amaze a person who lives in a different time and place


I do not seek the darkness,
the low road, the negative
thoughts and deeds, the
follies of my fellow human
beings have no place with me.
What is truth and what is not,
opinionated talking heads
spewing and spreading doom
and gloom like peanut butter
on fresh white bread.
I prefer some strawberry jam
on my PBJs and feel-good
smiles afterwards. Not heart
burn and an upset stomach.
******* spread on bread,
fool me once, shame on me,
fool me twice and the hell with you.

I awoke this morning to sunshine,
and some positive thoughts of
things to come, what a difference
a day makes. 24 little hours.
Today is not as dark as two days ago,
there is light at the end of the tunnel.
Joe is a good man, and he knows when
to stay and when to go, for the good of
the nation and the world.

Now, with the VP, put Pete Buttigieg on
the ticket and Trump will be out of all our
lives and maybe in jail where he certainly

I know a woman of color and a gay man may
sound implausible to many but I think the
country is ready. A near brush with a crazy
want to be Fascist dictator is a very sobering
wake up call, it changes opinions and scares
people to open their minds up to new and better
possibilities. Perhaps it will expel the crazy Maga
Trump *** kissers from congress so our nation
can heel its wounds and divisions and we can
rise from beneath the evil specter of Trump and
all his misguided minions.

Kamala and Pete are both very smart and super
capable people. Born leaders. It's time the voters
thought with their heads and not their lame skewed
and bias petty prejudices.

Are we addled sheep or thinking human beings?
We have 105 days to get our collective **** together.
I think we can do it. I just pledged $200 to support
the Dem Presidential Campaign, the first time in
my life ever donating to any politician's election.
If not now, when? I have a feeling I will not be alone
in this regard and desire for change.
Vote people and influence others to do the same.
Save our Democracy!!! I tried to donate $500 but
I found that I could only give $200. How do billionaires
give Millions???
Lawrence Hall, HSG

               Encounter with an Aging Hippie Benedictine Tertiary
                                    at the Church Door

The old man’s tee said QUESTION AUTHORITY
In the narthex, where we lay our scene
(Shakespeare lay his scene in Verona, but this was not Verona)
I joshed about deferring to seniority
For he was a tertiary Benedictine

He raised his quavery voice as best as he was able
To squeak that all teachings can and should lay
Upon some sort of philosophical table
And then he rattled his walker and clattered away

I do not know what any of this might mean –  
But I think I was dismissed as a Philistine
and the great replacement is how I speak with but my


and there is a sacrifice of subtlety…and nuance is a sometime thing,
BUT, when I

tilt my head and stilt my neck, and she laughs at my

for emphasis,
a periodic two step is most useful when exaggerating…

and the the picture of me grimace grinning, arms akimbo waving,
and the peculiarity of my grunts, well, makes her crackle with laughter,

which is so deep appreciated I further employ my tongue to
make the point  that words are super superfluous and She
reimburses my kissing with a two grasp handed heady head
embrace-taking, which necessitates our eyes in a combine,

and there is no more to say,

for the eyes have it!
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