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Traveling along this lonely road
This endless flat terrain
Going forward
step by step
but getting nowhere
So why?
I ask
to the darkening clouds above me
Why do I take this road
The road walked by none
none other than me
I wish I could find
This place where I'm going
But this road never ends
never turns
never bends
So why?
I ask once again
Why do I take this road
*This road leading nowhere.
The poem about lost and found...
 Apr 2017 allie
Dhaara T
 Apr 2017 allie
Dhaara T
Get up, stand up, stand up for your right
Stand up, stay up, it may seem like a long night
Hold up, c'mon, don't let it out of your sight
Spring up, blow up, don't give up the fight

Dear mind, don't you teach me
Thoughts, to which, society has given birth
I know that you know
Better than that - your, our real worth
Listening to foreign voices, you've faced enough cold
C'mon now, decondition, show them all your gold
I see the sun rise...and it's shining bright, eh
Sweat it in the fight, come on
Springtime: Amongst the happiest time of the year...the time when LIFE starts to finally kick into every dark and dingy corner. If you are going through depression or even the slightest bit of sadness, I urge you to hold on to your strongest part - your mind. Don't forget, it can do wonders! Even if at this moment, it may seem easier said than done, can you please try, for your own sake?

Love & light! ❤
If you closed your eyes
just for a second
we would all be the same
we would be equal
None of this would matter
because we would all be the same
but are we really?
are we all just the same?
this is a good question
because I don't know
just for this second
this second of silence
try to imagine this place
the place of equality
can you see it?
I peer out
As I sit here on this tree
looking out on the views beyond
The sun setting against the gentle landscape
The rolling hills, outlined by a deep forest
looking at the tall purple mountains
the copse of trees in the valley
the grass blows in the wind
underneath the sky
I can see all the wonders of the world from here on this tree
I know bad tree! But I should get points for trying ;)
On my little island
On my little boat
Lay me to die
And slit my ******* throat!
Blame for the martyr
Never knew
All the pain
To arise
From the flames
I stare into the fire
See the burning soul
The only tragedy.
Into upmost savagery.
See the pain
Feel the pain
Because I am out there
Among all the crazy
Because I was never anything more than a pain in the ***
I was an unpredictable child
Raised by a demon
Now the ****** screams sound like poetry
Musical notes to my ears.
Admit me
For my insanity
I’ve gone crazy
All these things in my mind
All of the situations to take control
I can’t see my face anymore.
I am beginning to be heard
Ghosts don’t speak
So morn me
Morn me
Morn me!

and just Breathe.

I am contagious!
These thoughts won’t escape
The only god I prayed too
Left the line open on the other end
Only silence and
Emotional destruction.
Only isolation!
On my little island
On my little boat
Lay me to die
And slit my ******* throat!
Bleeding my sins from my veins
On my little island
On my little boat
Lay me to die
And slit my ******* throat!
Let me die on my own
A cabin in the woods
A place to call my home!
Can you believe I fell so far?
You let me down
I feel so alone
I can’t breathe, I can’t see, oh someone help me!
I can hear your voice,
But I can’t feel your touch.
I can smell your soul
But I can’t see your voice.
All alone
On my little island
On my little boat
Lay me to die
And slit my ******* throat!
Grit my teeth
Fight another day
Do or die
Kiss me goodbye.
Roll the credits
Come here
Join me up here
Here in the sky
Up in the clouds
In the heights
Come up here with me
It's better here
There's no anger
No hate
No bullying
Up here in the sky
There is only peace
Join me
Join me in this escape
From the hell that lies below
From the madness that holds you back
But me..
I am free
I'm free up here in the sky
Hello grass
Hello dirt
Hello to the dust and roots
The soil underneath my fingertips
The feel of grass along my face
I feel welcomed
You punch me
Over and over
I fall
My face to the ground
The grass greets me like an old friend
I get back up
Just to be knocked down
once again
The grass welcomes me with
Its soft touch
Rolling onto my back
I look up
I'm glad I'm not up there
I'm glad I'm here
Down on earth

Lying on the grass
Read this from the bottom|||||SCROLL DOWN/READ UP
and I fall                                                         D
Suspended in the air
Then my feet                                                       O
My hand leaves its hold
My voice comes as a hoarse whisper
"F l y"                                                               ­              W
Will I fly?
Will I fall?
I can't go any higher  
This never ending mountain continues forever                           N
It is no different          
I look down
I can only see an endless abyss of clouds
I look at the sky above me
I grab the ledge
My feeble hand reaches up
Yet I keep going
I know I can't
I can't make it
Climbing this endless mountain
Up this never ending cliff
I heave a breath and I continue
My legs slowly grow weaker
My arms shudder
My shoulders ache
And I can only go up
My hand leaves a streak of blood that now lines my cheek
I wipe a tear from my eyes
The cliff makes deep cuts in my palms
The only way
My breath comes short and rough
I scale the jagged rocks
Is go up
And all I can do
The bottom is far beneath me
I can only climb up
It's peak lies hidden in the heights of the clouds
I am clutching to the side of this endless mountain
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