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 Feb 2017 Ami Shae
phil roberts
Never trust the establishment
They do not exist for our benefit
For they believe  that we exist
For their convenience
Their only purpose is self-perpetuation
And they think that our only function
Is to accommodate that purpose
Whereas our true cause should be
To get rid of the *******

                                        By Phil Roberts
Collect my broken pieces
off the floor,

Gather my tired soul -  
unlock my heavy heart's door.

Hold me tight
and never let me go,

Lift me high
whenever I feel low.

Protect me from the sources
of my anxiety,

Let me dwell within your heart -
my soul's only safe and secure society.

Fold me
into your warm embrace,

Cocoon me--keep me forever safe.

By Lady R.F ©2017
 Feb 2017 Ami Shae
You cannot break the broken, you can't live in the past, throw that memory away, you cannot let it stay, oh I wish I had the power to change every wasted hour, to knock down this growing tower under which I fearfully cower, in my ball of self regret.

                    I can remember:

                Tears that I have shed.

                 Lies that I have said.

                 Pain I have inflicted.

              Oh how I feel conflicted.

But know now this, for it is true, for all the things I can't undo, I'd never regret loving you.
No sleep = creativity, how does that work?
Oml this made the daily poem, thank you so much everyone!!
 Feb 2017 Ami Shae
Sanjukta Nag
On the barren
head of this plateau,
you're the midpoint.

A curious moon peeps
from the curve
of your neck,
flooding the
shoulders of solitude.

With a cello
between legs,
and a bow made
of moonbeams
you string those
rare beads of a tune.

Birth of sound
makes the sleeping
auras trembled.

Ancient souls explode,
fragmented forces
drink fresh
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