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 May 2017 sancus
Valsa George
As the sun moves to the western horizon
Colors are skilfully blended in a palette
In an instant the sky becomes an exquisite canvas of art
Making even Van Gogh burn in jealousy

With the last glimmer of sunset
When the shadows chase the light,
The aerial folks fly back to their nests
Like black and white specks dotting the sky

With a dark drape stretched across the Earth’s face
The arrival of the night is a spectacular sight
Cicadas and crickets welcome her with their ceremonious band
And street lamps blink their eyes to catch a better view

While truant clouds still wander around aimless
The cerulean sky signals them to hurry
Stars slowly appear in the night sky
Like sequins stitched on to a blue brocade

The crescent moon smiles down
The empress of the night, proud and regal
She and her retinue keep guard over the slumbering Earth
The unpaid sentries of the night!

A gentle breeze makes a palanquin ride
Wafting in the scent of opening buds
The beauty of the night sends me to raptures
My heart exploding like foaming wine in a bottle

Yet I cannot but keep wondering
How many dark secrets
The night holds
Within her tenebrous folds!
What a pleasant surprise, this poem is made the daily. Thanks to everyone for making it possible through your likes and kind comments. These days I can't see the daily and I don't know where to look for it. The site is sometimes quite tricky.....Thanks a lot once again !
 May 2017 sancus
Valsa George
Somewhere in a strange land
An unknown heart throbs for me
      Etching an amorous graffiti
On the blank walls of my mind
Where ever I am, I feel a pair of eyes
Fondly surveying and scanning me,
Speaking to me in silence
And keeps me awake in the night
I feel it all, I hear it all
Filling me with a sweet ache!

When night birds croon in the woods
And their mates answer the serenade,
When the moon begins her somnambulistic walk
And light beams percolate through pine needles,
When a hundred eyes open in the blue heights
To watch over the sleeping Earth,
When the whistle of a train is heard far away
And its music wanes into a monotonous drone,
When the rooster makes his first clarion call
Breaking the serene silence of the night,
When glow worms float in darkness
Like cruise ships over the sea,
When night gales shake the slender coniferous trees
And wind whistles among their leaves,
When sailing clouds blind the stars
And the night turns into an ebony shade,
When the opening Jasmine secretly exults
In her own exotic scent,

Sitting in my dimly lighted room
      I draft this message of love
      Pouring all my warmth into it
      Thus emptying my love laden heart
That blazes with the fire of love
And encode it in cryptic script
      To be mailed to you, my love!

Oh, it might take much time
Better it be a whispered endearment
Sent through this perfumed night breeze
That shall carry it from this end to that end

So kindly leave
your window open!
 Dec 2016 sancus
Sean Ryan
My   life    is    staccato
Living    by   each   solitary   beat  
Every   memory   I   have   is   sharp

When you came you brought melody,
You paused my loneliness with harmony,
When I was with you my life moved rhythmically.

But bar by bar you beat me down

Arguments began to repeat:
Inevitably we fell out of tune,
And as it always does the music ends.
 Dec 2016 sancus
Phantom Poet
 Dec 2016 sancus
Phantom Poet
It's had the power,
To make a person enthusiastic,
Or even nourish a beautiful flower,
There is music all around us,
Every tune and every beat,
Can please us,
The rhythmic tapping to feet,
Follows the beat,
One may be listening to,
Music take a person,
To a whole new world,
A pleasant beautiful one,
A song can be sung,
Or just plain instrumental,
Bells can be rung,
Beats can be made,
And tunes can be sung,
And i give you,
A beautiful song,
Songs helps us survive,
Keeps us alive,
Fine beats and tunes we strive,
And music is the elixir,
Of life!
I love music, and i love all kinds from trap to oldies, from skrillex to beegees
 Dec 2016 sancus
"Yours and always will be"
I was sure from a long time ago
From the first time you made me see
That I was never on my own

"Just think of happy things"
Your eyes, your voice, the feeling of your hand
"And your heart will fly on wings
In never Neverland"

You flew with me from lowest lows to up above
And helped me walked through my darkest hell
Before I knew it, I was in love
But my dearest, I was the only one who fell

I won't ask for more, nor ask you to love me
You, unknowingly, already gave me enough
All I want in this life is for you to be happy
I'll always be here for you even when things gets tough

And it's inevitable, someday I will flee
We'll be apart, not just miles, but worlds
But when I said  "my heart's yours and always will be"
Expect that I will remain true to my word.

Being in love with you is an adventure, oh so lovely
Until now I am still falling from the sky
Even when I hit the bottom, don't you worry
For you, my Peter, taught me how to fly
Happiest birthday to my dearest, ljh, thank you for the 11 wonderful months of me being in love with you. Thank you for being born. Thank you for smiling, for singing, for working hard. Thank you for teaching me how to fly. I love you so much, more than eyesight, space and liberty.

— The End —