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 Apr 2019 Gidgette
We lie amidst Ripe mountain herbs,
The nightingale has just begun its summer trill,
This hymn for golden vocal cords
Composed no owner of a writing quill

So sweet were melodies produced
That I mistook the front row lady’s cheap perfume
For blossoms, above which haunting hornets mused;
For an aroma of our Shakespeare love in bloom.

The serenading cardboard creatures –
Those thieve their voice from birds with no address.
Meanwhile a glass raised in a playhouse features
But colored water, as red as gipsy’s dress.

When the last spectator goes,
Having not found at least one genuine sun,
As actors, we recede into descending roles;
Electric blood in lamps’ capillaries feels numb.  

A lovely ladybug, I doubt, I will ever catch,
A lifelike flower, dipped in a painting fusion:
All this, fine artists tenderly attach  
To lifeless decorations, for aid they do us in a willful staged illusion.

Three burnt sienna pearls run down your spine
Yet after a big round of applause
These jewels are no longer signs of the divine,
But witches’ marks or, rather, unalluring flaws.

After the play I went to buy a notebook from my shopping list
To store the overgrowing verses, such as these;
A sheet of paper guarantees
To treat them like extinguishing bees

Cashiers ****** the change into my hand,
You purchased hothouse roses with;
And up those pretty useless beauties stand
In someone’s vase, whose name remains a myth.

They give me back those polished dimes
You traded for a pair of shoes.
I’ve seen you marshal through onstage lifetimes,
Yet to disclose personas’ traces the theater walls refuse.

Your chocolate hair has just fallen from the hairdresser’s hand,–
That’s how I know the summer’s coming to a bitter end.
This poem I dedicated to a local theater actor Julian. During one of his plays I thought of this fictional plot. Thank you for reading!
 Apr 2019 Gidgette
Come on
and save me from
the American
super villain
we call the president,
because I am
drowning in
his *******
and sic sentiments.

Come back
Star Trek
cause I need to
return to
a more hopeful age.

Days where we had
open spaces
to play
and an infinite
realm of
all those
future realities
to dream about.

Now the limited
have taken
all the vacant
collapsing them
into mine,
where greater minds
are met with
where people trust
the greedy and vain.

All my sci-fi
for a better life
have become
a painful lie.
 Apr 2019 Gidgette
The light shines in
through the window,
brightens up
the blue smoke,

and all I know
is a good ****
me feel
less broke.

Spent six days
just staring
at nothing,
don't feel like moving
cause I'm despairing,
paring my pain
with some
***** and a joint.

I feel like ****
and smell
just like
I took a bath in it.

My specter like
is closer to perfection
then my
real life complexion,

And the point that
I'm making
is non-existent
just like my hope
for the next day is.
Fictional reflection of former states of severe apathy that became deep depression.***
 Apr 2019 Gidgette
He hugged me
Tears running down his face
I felt him shudder
For the whole human race

Just who condemned him
Has always been clear
The righteous
The believers
The possessors
Of fear

Yet sympathy
I felt
For the Devil
Because forgiveness
   Runs through my veins...
Traveler Tim

We pay our debt sometimes.
 Apr 2019 Gidgette
You have imprinted
My eternity
Walking on by me
Giving backward glance
And inviting smile

This magnetism
In fecundity
Your step fragile yet
Some great gravity
About your presence

You venal, naive
Yet like the woman
There is caveat
Men observe caution
Green little Mantis

Swaying in the breeze
your flowerprint skirt
Disappears from view
Down the boulevard
The perfume remains

May see you again
Next incarnation
Somewhere in my walk
Across life and time
Will you remember

© P.M.H 2009
 Apr 2019 Gidgette
 Apr 2019 Gidgette
Old man in the night,
on the banks of the river,
carefully looks about,
no one must see him
in this deadly serious,
childish play.

In a white wax paper pastry bag,
he gently places the memories,
slippery feelings, a handful of tears,
an abundance of joy and a little,
lit tea candle.

Bending he delicately places it
upon the water, as though it were
some priceless thing and he sits
hands folded in lap, feet out,

on the river bank. watching
the white bag as it dims
and drifts away.

© P.M.H 2001
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