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 May 2019 Gidgette
these spent hands still toil
digging in this drawn soil
watching a worm stretch
and pull, stretch and pull
soon dusk will slip in
moving with grains of sand
casting small shadow bands
over this garden tended
and overgrown with love
this bush rose red bloom
holding a waiting perfume

 May 2019 Gidgette
Only the trees with fruits
Are stones thrown to
Those who criticize you
have found fruits
and productivity in you

Bless them with your fruits
And never cease to produce
Stare at the stone throwers with a grin
You stay fresh and
Be evergreen
 May 2019 Gidgette
This poem was written in response to the senseless slaying of Kayla Chapman, a local convenience store clerk in Kelso WA who was brutally gunned down after complying with robbers requests for money and cigarettes. She was such a neat person.

A slight streak of purple,
A smile like a flower,
A warm friendly voice, In a late midnight hour,
You added so much, to our own little hood,
You brightened our nights, and made us feel good.
Now you're not here, I cannot believe,
Your bright light's been stolen,
For that we all grieve.

We won't let this stop,
We won't let this rest,
Till all those responsible, are put to the test.
Your life wasn't meaningless,
Your life was so dear,
A smile on a dark night, A welcoming ear.
I give you this poem
, from my heart, through my tears,
I'll never forget you Through all of the years.
God bless you Kayla Chapman, you touched my heart
 May 2019 Gidgette
Mitch Prax
This poem
is for you
because I simply
don't know any other way
to keep you close at bay-
to stop you from fading away.
 May 2019 Gidgette
You whisper to me so elegantly
As you kiss my forehead
My head on your chest
Falling asleep
To the rhythm of your heartbeat
"Sweet dreams, my darling..."

As our heavy heads hit the pillow
We each drift into our own state
Of unconsciousness

* * *

4,728 miles from each other
Time zones which feel as if
We are light years apart
You are falling asleep,
As I am wide awake;

The only thing that you can say
Through the electric current is:

"I will see you in my dreams, my darling..."
long distance
 May 2019 Gidgette
Men and Women are different
As different as they are the same
They each have disparate methods
Of waging their violent game
Like all wars through the ages
When your opponent gives up, you win
But the War of the Sexes is different
It's a war that will never end

We meet on the field of battle
We face off, eye to eye
Our bodies grow tense and rigid
We're willing to give all, or die
In a passion we rush at each other
We become a tangle of flesh
We roll round and round in a frenzy
One on one, in our fury, we mesh

The ebb and flow of our struggle
First goes this way, and then that
The push, the pull, the exertion
Of the ultimate human combat

I stab you with my weapon
But you grab it, and hold it tight
I stab you again, and again, and again
But I can't overcome your might
.   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .

At last we finally fight to a draw
We fall on our backs in a sweat
We may not remember this battle
But the war we will never forget

Now I want to disarm and retreat
You want to discuss terms of peace
The ins, the outs, the everything
Your quest for detail doesn't cease
You want to talk heart to heart
But my attention is wearing thin
And when I roll over and start to snore
A new phase of war will begin
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