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It hurt,
But only here and there with a spurt,
I never hear her footsteps,
And question if she's really gone,
Appearing ghost like when she first appears,
With musicless skin tones and melodramatic tears,
She shares her fears and wants,
Steals kisses with under the breathe taunts,
Then she walks away with no footsteps,
Months and years blur into a painting of a portrait that has changed painters with completely different ideals,
With each painter a random time,
As she returns,
With more scars that follow on her in painted burns,
Everything is new,
But the words have a different ring to them, everytime,
Taking more but leaving with less,
When she leaves I hear no footsteps,
It hurts a little.
Dear Soldier Lady.

How can I get your attention without holding my hand against my head?
#secret crush
We seek the truth, in others.
We seek answers in books, written by people. Yet the greatest question we are never, in the mood to answer is...
"If this life is yours, why do you seek answers from the strange?"
° ° ° ° ° Rolls





             of glitters

Ink tracks.
Imagined by
Impeccable Space
In The Past I Considered myself to Be a Genius
Then I Saw ♥ Love ♥
No, it is not so complicated!
An honest
You - a man
Me - a woman
Living, loving
Best years!
The tallest Thuja Tree
Winks at us there
So we stop. . .
We breath and look up
In the night sky
A while
The World seems Endless
Three Beats
Veins rhythm
Kiss on a bark

Now, dear reader! - Try to -
Correlate this dreamers shrine
With a dark deep ocean
Of your elusive and
Dangerously devouring
Then you might call
Me on a
I won't pick it up!
Occupied . . .
By stars up  -  Above!
We can share hot chocolate
at Old chic Cacao Caffe
The Orange anime
Angel was served
Water in a paper cup
Made for ice cream rounds
A silken coat carresed by strangers
Melting their gazes
Pouring only
And affection
Without a leash
On a leash by my side
At my knee
Between us
Ears along
The neck
White paws of my
Dearest friend . . .
Running as a speed of light!!
The Train is Tchwooot
I have a ruby ring
And white black gloves
With Stripes and
Charming finger
Oh, Holmes!
The moon is rising again -
Like inspiration
For your new novel
For another Conundrum
To solve
It is quiet in the park
Dark and quiet in the park
Charming old Street lamps, Trees and Intimacy of a Night walk
“Why drive through this reality sober
as conformity and vapid rules testify,
freedom of speech and opinion, over
but, on chemistry we can rely.”

Moved around from place to place,
people come and go,
friendships seldom found or made,
none can really know.

Sweet Mother died; gone much too soon
and dearest Father cracked.
Nothing else to do but howl at the moon
and brain cells laced with happy pills,
intended to distract.

-by Mercurychyld
Inspired by a movie about a girl who moved around with her dad, and in their current small town, there's not a lot to do.
I stroll daily through the Garden of Rhyme
Picking from the fruit of the vine
Making sure it's perfectly ripe
Where I slice it into poetic line

Then take it and bake it into Poem
Out from the oven the moment it's done
Sharing it whole while it's still warm
So others may enjoy the taste of the Poem

And when the Poem has all been given away
It's back to the Garden for more of the same
I want to live
In the depths of my inner being
Remote candid blisfully
Gratified to hear it can accomodate me
Here I come,
Joyous willingly.

Saddened was falsehood behind me
Cursing crying fretting me.
Turning a deaf ear to,I walked unmindfully.

Soon I was in the haven of truth,
Tranquil and festive, the air enveloped me,
Blanketed by love it breathed me.
You're here for a purpose,it whispered
And opened the doors to my loving deity before me.
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