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Dawn Sep 2017
"No one's gonna love you if you don't love yourself"* is what they always say.
I finally understand why I still doubt everyone who came to stay.
Another couplet. I hope this could be considered a poem just so I could say that my loneliness is more than negativity.
Dawn Sep 2017
Please, just for today, don't say it.
I already know I'm a disappointment.
Is this even a poem?
Or just a lonely rant?
Dawn Aug 2017
a roadtrip to somewhere,
just so we could watch a meteor shower.

we didn't even know exactly where to go,
only that we wanted to watch the shooting stars without the city's glow.

at first adrenaline filled our somber and tired selves;
we were all fueled with the idea of seeing something magical at twelve.

then came the rush of being lost in lonely, secluded roads.
suddenly we realized, this trip, to our parents we should've told.

whose is that car parked at the other side of the highway?
were they here even before we stopped to look at the meteors fall away?
should we flee or should we stay?
i don't want this to be our last day.

oh god please help us
we're running out of gas

and just as we are consumed with panic,
and fear of strangers in places, dark and exotic
we drive back to the city,
where the people are awake and much less creepy.

when the lamposts became brighter,
and the surroundings no longer sinister,
where the stars we so longed for became much hazier,
we simply laughed at our cowardice,
and at our overly-hightened suspiciousness.

as dull, yet terrifying the world can be,
even with rare astronomical phenomenas that are oh so sightly,
adventures are really, no less scary.
yet everything can still feel mesmerizing,
and even reassuring,
so long as you are able to find just the right company.
081217. A late night roadtrip with my friends turned into cinematic adventures. I'm glad we're all safe now.
Dawn Jul 2017
i'm just so lonely or so angry
all the ******* time;
it's become so easy to keep track of days
when i feel fine.
I'm so sorry for swearing, it has become a habit of mine.
Dawn Jul 2017
you make me want to write.
how cruel it is to know,
that you aren't mine
to write about.
Why do I always fall for people I don't have a chance with?
  Jul 2017 Dawn
demons rarely come dressed
in a red cape and horns.
they come dressed as
everything you've ever wanted.
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