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  Nov 2016 Alexandria Taylor
Star Gazer

I tread the wrong path
made many mistakes
and each turning trail
I found myself lost...
I left part of my life
in the lips of lies
and I'm stuck...
So with aching heart
like crimson cards
packed with silent cries
I hope she at least
hears my sorries.
I left someone I love...
merely because i thought it was over.
Because I was taught and told it was over,
and I guess this is far from an attempt at closure
but I really am sorry.
  Nov 2016 Alexandria Taylor
Star Gazer
Take that chance, take the fall
because falling is the first step to flying,
It is the landing you have to worry about
You may fall but never land.
You never really know what you get
until you are sure you want it.
Be sure, and by what i can see,
you want your illuminating star,
no matter how much you push away,
the gravity of that star pulls you in.
So listen to me....take the fall,
because it might just be
the best **** ride you're given in this life.
  Nov 2016 Alexandria Taylor
Star Gazer
Oh honey, depression isn't pretty,
it isn't suppose to be,
people always connect sadness
with depression
but the connection is different,
it is a train of thought
like a chain cut short,
that is sturdily held together
but it doesn't last forever,
it is an armour that is worn
and polished everyday
just to say, 'I'm not sure'.

Oh honey, depression isn't pretty;
it isn't suppose to be,
and I want you to know clearly,
that there are always people
out there, somewhere,
who appreciate you for you
and who is nothing more than
a teardrop or a sweat dripping
away from help.

Some might ask,
'Are you depressed?'
and I can say, 'no I'm not',
so what I write is an expression of mind,
of how I wish you could find, that you
have a chance, because you deserve that chance,
the past is the past, a certain glance at the future
says that you could be doing so much more
and if you don't want to, that's your choice
but honey, depression isn't pretty
and it isn't suppose to be,
but you sure are beautiful,
so please keep staying strong
and marching on.
  Nov 2016 Alexandria Taylor
This is for everyone who told you,
You can't do it, you will never achieve

You look into the mirror and see that your reflection doesn't believe

Inner thoughts of disbelief, dishonesty in reach, your only lying to yourself, when you say that you can't be

Something else, one of a kind
only one thought will bring ease to your mind

Knowing that you can glide, succeed in motions astride, believe and open your mind to that fact that your life is fine

Your more than a piece of gold, your simply extraordinary, don't let these words exist in your vocabulary

"I'm a quitter" their simply non-existent think bigger, brighter look into that future of yours

For the world is at your feet, don't let your dreams fall underneath

I'm a tower, more like as tall as can be

I simply watch over those who need help when they seem In distress or depressed, I want to help them believe

I try to fill the gaps in between, all the
Stress and the heat, because these last following weeks, I haven't been able to sleep

This is a message for me and but
  more for the person who reads

I will not quit but succeed
I will just stand, not retreat
  Nov 2016 Alexandria Taylor
Star Gazer
I want to hold you
Whisper in your ears
That 'It'll be ok'.

I want to hold you
Whisper in your ears
That 'you're amazing'.

I want to hold you
Whisper in your ears
'Please don't give up'.


If Chinese Whispers
Have taught me anything
All the things I whisper
Will change upon
Entering your eardrums,
Soon 'it'll be ok', will be
'it'll never be ok',
'You're amazing' turns to
'you're nothing', and
'please don't give up',
turns to 'just give up',
But know that no matter
What you hear,
I will always be whispering
Into your ears
'I'm here for you'
and I'll always hold you.
~Please believe me when I tell you that you truly are amazing, that you are beautiful, that you are pretty, that you are kind, caring, warm, make me smile, that you do really wear a pretty smile, that you are fun, that you light up the night like stars.
  Nov 2016 Alexandria Taylor
Star Gazer
...And I love you more than I do myself.
I love you with a heart that lives deep in the shadows
Where only your light could fetch it out of the barren wastelands.
It was your love that has shown me light
It was your love that I longed for
It was your love that I will die for.
It was you.
  Nov 2016 Alexandria Taylor
because the touch of your skin is forever my favorite sensation,
your eyes are my favorite shade of lonely,
the beat of your heart is my favorite base line,
my favorite melody is the one your vocal cords carry.
I miss you,
because your warmth is my favorite temperature,
your face is my favorite sculpture,
the way you walk is my favorite dance,
my favorite flavor is the taste of your kiss.
I miss you,
because your smile is my favorite drug,
your laughter is my favorite song,
the color of you hair is my favorite shade of mysterious,
my favorite scent is yours.
I miss you,
because your love is the only one that was true,
your intentions were the only one's that were pure,
the way you looked at me could not be faked,
my heart was yours,
and yours was mine.

Until next time,
*the one who love you more than anything
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