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 Apr 2015 Alex Mic
Bella Anima
And I said:

When you push her down,
I'll make sure she'll fall on me.
When you break her heart,
I'll make sure I will fix it all.
When you make her cry,
I'll make sure I'll wipe her tears.
When you leave her alone,
I'll make sure I am by her side.
And if you abandon her for good,
I'll take her in forever.
But you need to remember
That even if your actions destroy her
And I am the one who is always fixing her,
Her eyes will always be on you.
Her heart will always be with you.
And her mind
Will always be filled with thoughts of you.

It will never be me.
Wrote this a long time ago and i found it today. Tim, John and Savannah.
 Apr 2015 Alex Mic
Bree Anna
One Day
 Apr 2015 Alex Mic
Bree Anna
Remember that day
That my heart broke?
I asked about her, and you began to choke
You held me close, you kissed my cheek
You told me it was a big conspiracy

I believed you at first
Yes, I was blind
I didn’t want to believe
You had lied

When I found out the truth,
I wanted to slap you in the head
at that very moment
I wished I was dead

Maybe I am just not enough

but the truth is I did nothing wrong
I was the best I could be all along
if you want to cheat on someone,
then go ahead and see
you will end up alone
losing me
I deserve the best
she’ll break your heart
she’ll do to you
karma’s part

but let me ask
was she worth breaking my heart?
The pain and regret from the very start?
You told her you loved her
I thought you loved me?
One day I know
that you WILL see
Revisions and constructive criticism please!

— The End —