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 Feb 2016 Alex Durow
Steven Durow
And time it comes with a silent hush
lifts the moon sets the sun
time moves on

the rules they're the same
but the players they change
must move fast those in last lose the game

and when we are gone and our memory lives on
no recourse you have no choice
you must move on
I wish not to be your bride,
instead your pride.
© 2016 by Sneha Mundari. All rights reserved.
It's Thursday
If it were Wednesday
It would be the same
again, you are not here
     I think to call someone else
and have regrettable ***
and forget you for a night
but I don't
I'm tired of it
I'll be alone
I think I'll sit by myself
    and talk to the gods
they don't exist
but they are nearer than you

— The End —