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Alex Courrier Dec 2014
Anatomical roots cover
The heart of this planet
Trees sprouting
From the darkest crevasses
In which the insects hide
Clawing their way towards
The gaseous orb
That gives them nutrients

Some don’t grow far enough
Suppressed by unknown toxins
Just stopping short of the
Illuminated line between life and death
Petrified, the trees stay solid
Until the insects of time rot them away

However, some do find success
Making it out of these
Pitch black caverns
To find themselves
Living in a whole different world
A land that only they can
Appreciate, love and cherish
Because they can see the difference
They came from the dark
Between the roots
Reaching for the sun
Hoping not to get burned
Alex Courrier Dec 2014
Both made of carbon
But we are not the same
Alex Courrier Dec 2014
Waiting in the train station and to my surprise
The train conductor's smoking, doesn't care at all
He walks right over and asks,
"What're you waiting for? Get on"

I'm sorry I'm not riding the train today
I am waiting for me sister, she's on the next train
I haven't seen her for the longest time
And I heard she bought a cat

His eyes grew large like an atom bomb
My words caused him a panic, I don’t know why
Sausage fingers now points in my direction
And this is what he said,

"Right you little rat, I got a bone to pick
Now you getting on that train because I told you too
And if you don't I will break your nose
Then I'll steal all your cash"

His meaty aroma flooded my nasal duct
Just to make him leave I walked into the train
The whistle blew, the wheels spun on
Now it's my sister's turn
Alex Courrier Dec 2014
A child like wonder is needed
In this funeral affair

— The End —