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 Jan 2015 Alejandro
 Jan 2015 Alejandro
The surprisingly bright color makes me wonder how nature can create this.  
As I inspect closer, I see it is hurt,
Somebody has messed with the poor lifeless object in front of my eyes
But as I start to peel away its thin skin,
The beauty of the inside shows itself
The broken façade lay next to the new shone beauty
I realize then how deceiving one may look
Broken, and falling apart on the outside
But beautiful and strong on the inside
It almost reminds me of a rose,
Its deep red petals
Delicate, and gorgeous
The smell,
Pleasant and sweet
But as you inspect it closer
Or "peel away the skin"
You discover a new red,
Not just that of the petals
But the blood of your fingers
Cut by the thorns
So as I look back upon the small object
That I hold in my hands
I am happy
I peeled away it's broken skin
the things you get from a clementine...
 Jan 2015 Alejandro
Shawna Lunn
I miss you.
From the day I was born these three words have always echoed in my head.
These words were not heard over the phone in broken sobs by the person I missed. No-
These words have been heard by classmates from grade 1-8 and if I didn't speak them, I texted them.
Needless to say, I got a lot of sad smiley faces but no actual words.
No teachers have ever heard me mutter a sentence with the words
Miss or You
because Miss reminds me of my first teacher  whose last name is swan even though she was as wrinkly as  a shirt you'd find at the bottom of my drawer and you....well reminds me of you.
And I only cry at home under the cover of darkness while music in a foreign language plays beside me.
Even if I don't fully understand the words they speak, they help me understand why I miss you.
I don't know when I started to miss you; maybe it was when you would refuse to pick me up on the weekends.
I bet you didn't know I cried until I had headaches those nights.
I guess this is why I act the way I act today.
I feel no sympathy for anyone anymore because of the people I've missed and the reasons I've cried.
All I know is that,
*I miss you
 Jan 2015 Alejandro
DC raw love
Just as quite as a pin drop
You can hear my heart beat
As you near me.

My mouth gets very dry
As I try to speak to you

But it's dusted with love
And it's full of heat.

Heated with passion
From your beauty

With beauty of love
With love and kindness

Your sensuous eyes
Your sensuous lips
Your sensuous ways
Is what drives me crazy

My love for you is so extreme
I would give up my life
To fulfill my dreams
It would be nice, to get rid of habits, the ones you cannot afford.  This would be the right time, to turn it over to the Lord.
There is a gentleman, who loves to beg, far away from a crowd.  But  when he sees you coming, he began to pray real loud.
He has one objective in mind, because he knows he's going to beg.  I give in, and provide him money; I know he has to be fed.
I really get tired of people, asking anybody for a cigarette.  This is one habit that they posses, that really get you upset.
By, Author & Poet, Sandra Juanita Nailing
 Jan 2015 Alejandro
Ivy Swolf
Red, raw skin from trying to wash
away last year's acetone fingerprints
littered on my body. We were born
as paper air planes in spring,
destined to crash
at the end of winter in a landslide,
colliding with the base of the calendar
that hung around my neck like a noose.
Brittle bones with no marrow: I am physically,
emotionally, mentally, spiritually
That was last year.
I'm trying to learn to be more introspective
without looking inwards through the barrel
of a gun. Last I checked my bruised and bloodied
heart was dangling out a second story window
tempting me to jump out and save it.
I'm done pretending now.
My paper plane may have crashed
but at least I'm on the ground.'s to being better, braver people in 2k15.
 Jan 2015 Alejandro
Lexical Gap
Have you ever been transfixed by the quiet beauty of the night?
She's mysterious in the worst way
You know she hides no unseen light at her core,
and yet you like to imagine so.
Have you seen
how she swallows everything in her path
with those tendrils of darkness?
She blinds you
and leads you
into what your sure will be destruction
beyond the black walls of her embrace,
But you go into that velvety unknown willingly,
unable to resist that dark temptation.
I have seen this.
I see her in the vulnerability of everything around me.
The quiet allure of voices on the point of breaking.
In sunsets and sunrises
because they are beginning and end
with no hope of as wondrous a middle.
In twangy guitar riffs
and solo violins,
Almost violent in their fragility.
I hear her beauty in ice breaking
Those arcs and swirls of frost
Patterns on its thin canvas
Cracking beneath boot
and snow
and even breath.
There's something so tragic in its brief life
And it resounds within me
like pity
and a recognition of how precious it really is
in a mixture
that I have come to define
as love of the most volatile sort.
I love Spanish guitars
And swing sets in the rain.
I love eyes above shots of bourbon
with their kicked innocence
and I love smokers' voices.
Smeared lipstick
and yesterday's makeup
tell tales of instability,
but all of my heroes are tragic.
I want to see their cracks,
like chinks in armor,
because this world is a hard one,
and the best things recognize that.
I like my music to be in mourning.
Soft, slow piano and whispers.
I like whispered promises not brave enough to be uttered aloud
My flowers dead and falling apart
My coffee cold
And my tea oversteeped.
I don't overstep to say it helps me remember how valuable things are if there's some imperfection.
I see things that I want to love
in the broken and downtrodden items
littering the sides of the road I walk
Some not imperfect
but insalvagable.
Beautiful in the same sad way
as smashed piano keys in pure white slivers on the floor.
The remaining keys
like a pitiful smile that says
"I'm sorry,
but I'll never create music again"

I can hear the ghosts of their creations.
I'm swept away
by that lost potential
and blown by the fact that it is gone forever.
I know that I cannot save the pieces,
but still seek to fill the gaps in those teeth
with bits of my own smile
so that we might at least make two halves
and have our songs heard again.
But in the end
they always sound like warnings,
ominously ringing out their weakness to the night.
 Jan 2015 Alejandro
Natalie Neo
To think that
Age comes with experience, because
Experience comes with time, and
Time comes with age.

To think that
Love comes from patience, because
Patience comes from strength, and
Strength comes from love.

But also,

Weakness comes with time,
Close-mindedness comes with experience and
Stereotypes comes with age.

Strength comes from within,
Patience comes from maturity and
Love comes from choices.

Time will surface weaknesses
But there is a strength from within.
Experiences may get you close-minded
But your patience will grant you maturity.
With age you form stereotypes
But you will still choose to love.
 Jan 2015 Alejandro
Jenn Yeo
It's been two weeks since I've last took a breath
My face is blue and there's pains in my chest
It's been two weeks since I've opened my mouth
Even why I try nothing comes out
It's been two weeks since I've been able to think straight
I've been flooded with thoughts that chain me to my bed by my waist
It's been two weeks I've been holding back
I'm fighting myself from approaching you, it's all that you asked
It's been two weeks and I've been spending everyday worrying that you think I'm fine with this
When you're all that I need and all that I miss
It's been two weeks and I've been trying to find the words
To tell you I'm sorry and it's my fault for all the hurt
It's been two weeks and soon it'll be a month, a year and then a lifetime and I don't know how I'll get through
But you said it was best and I've always had my trust in you
I can't write anymore but my heart still breaks the same
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