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Fantastic are your lines
That touches my heart very often.
So blunt and sharp are your pen Knife
That can cut anything.

I appreciate your words
I cannot resist reading you.
Each time you come up with
Themes so different.
Colorful are your poems
Not because I fell in love with you
But for your writing I really do!

But my craze for reading
Has captivated
Linked me to your words
I wait to see new poems
Coming from your way.

Though readers may be many
As you are so bold dear
Your poems are based on naked truth.

I appreciate your writings
Will keep on reading
As and when it comes to web.
I love Your writings
They are perfect with sharp insight.
Though you often draw a Rough sketch
You paint your poems Not that attractive.
But outlines you draw are sharp and blunt,
That I really fell in for your writings.

Please do keep sharing poems
As there are many readers like me visiting your pages often
Not necessary you should look For comments in your poems.
But I love your poems As it teaches me a lot
They are knowledgeable And powerful.

Thank you dear poets!

This I am dedicating to all the poets
Where many poem are based on sharp truth
And also for the powerful writes that attracts readers very often.

Geetha Jayakumar.
 Jan 2015 Alejandro
I have cried over less, and I've cried over better
And I've spent periods of time within panic attacks
In the middle of the class when I can't count the facts
And over high numbers, my cheeks have been wetter.

I have cried over less, and for no reason at all
And I've spent so much time loathing me more and more
Late at night when it's all been for naught, I was sure
And over lesser failures, I would weep; I would bawl

I have cried over less, so it's safe to assume
That I've done what I wished and at least seem to think
That for once, it's not worth the time it takes to sink
Into my shallow depression and once more be exhumed.

I have cried over less, and I'm glad of the fact
That I see black from white and grey inbetween
And I'm smart, even now, and more than I seem
And my new year's resolution seems safely intact.
the worst grade i've ever gotten in anything and all i could think was "well, it's not really important. being bad at math doesn't mean i'm not smart" and for the first time i actually meant it
 Jan 2015 Alejandro
 Jan 2015 Alejandro
Ups and downs and scattered issues
trials and tribulations, confusion and victories
Dealing with loss at every level, but still strive
Money, cars, women, houses, morals or lack their of
Mothers, brothers, sisters, aunts, uncles we fall into generations
opinions, facts, risk, educations and crime
Lust, ***, happiness, anger lead to understanding
I am just a vessel in this game called life
What will be will be regardless to my belief
Personalities, disorder, disease, medication
Thin lines between love and hate
Religions, gods, followers all manipulated by others
Shared thoughts of impurities, fakeness and adaptability
 Jan 2015 Alejandro
 Jan 2015 Alejandro
When i think of you i think of death
A tasteless, neutral more than god
An easy one

When i think of you i think of death i think of mother
The last time i saw her eyes
They were fading like sharpie on my hands
They sounded like a cave, like leftovers

I do not think i could love anymore
When i think of that i think of a river or a sea
The beds and my body, the beds and my body
A casablanca, a jasmine, i wonder if the window would be high enough--
When i think of that i remember, charlie
Don't jump

Hometown, how i wish i don't belong
The towns where they don't know my name
The town that has known me for years
Yet i barely know her
It was me who decided to go home
Yet how i wish i don't belong
How i wish i was that strong

"Hey, stop it.
You are romanticizing."

Don't ******* tell me to stop
Don't ******* tell me to stop what i don't even started
 Jan 2015 Alejandro
Antonia A
Don’t fret My dear¬¬¬–
You’re young– I Hear
Darkness Isn’t near¬–
Don’t fear–

The Light– keeps Shinning,
Even when You’re Sleeping–
I keep Watching–
Making sure You’re breathing.

When You get old–
Up of the Ground
I shall be Around–
We Shall– be bound.

Don’t worry about me
Don’t– let this bother
Don’t forget me!
This is– Your Father.
 Jan 2015 Alejandro
Roberta Day
I dreamt of slow-dancing
and we waltzed until I woke
Hazy scent of desires unspoke
I, mangled with your absence,
breathe a mere thought of
reality's biting grip and rip
the blanket from my bones
Naked and exposed, more
vulnerable and assured
than ever to disclose
those tender tickles
I feel when in repose,
visceral and verbose
I spew black for it's
pronounced and bold
amplifying the dark hold
melted to my frame
Bursting free, finally
with a pounding chest,
primary shades to express,
and fear tentatively at rest
Your hand in mine gives
a soft and slow caress
and I exhale our dance
of coalesce.
For some,
                 the most difficult part
      of being loved
is the fear
your lover will awaken
                                   one day
realize *you are undeserving of it.
 Jan 2015 Alejandro
Your pains, your sorrows
Don't let it follow
It carries you and pushes you deep
till there is no way apart from sleep
Rise through the wind
March against the shadow and begin
Raise yourself and believe in your beauty
Don't harm yourself for the others are fools
Don't destroy your passion, you are a jewel
Your key Ingrained in you, seek it and stay
your fears and tears wash it away
stamp your strength in your mind
Pack all your love & leave your demons behind
there is a better tomorrow
You are beautiful...youthful, and fruitful are not alone
This poem is for all of you that feel down, depressed, like you feel there is no way out. A message to tell you that there is a force stronger than pain. You can be you, you can be true. No one can tell you otherwise.
 Dec 2014 Alejandro
Beauty as life
Not all go my way
But when you finally give a chance
It's more valuable than a world
I'll fill this bookshelf
And when I do
It'll be bigger than the library in France

It's a beautiful life
When you finally give a chance
All that you dream about
Think about
Laugh about
And all that you feel about
Finally comes
And gives a chance

What a beautiful life its been
Save people
Feed people
Make them feel
Human once again
The smallest gesture goes far
As the greatest acts flow like art

Its a beautiful world
Nothing goes our way
But the universe's way
I'll dream a dream again
I'll feel and maybe tear again
Its a beautiful life
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