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Winter Mar 10
Rainy days are Earth's custom.
Heaven's cry and soak into my skin...
like leaves on the trees around me
I sigh in green gratitude.

Smells permeate the downpour...
a wild refresh. Aromas of
lemongrass, eucalyptus & wood-soaked oak
I breathe in thankyous.

Then, when the softest light emerges
from behind the clouds,
blue skies remind me of what it feels like
to be free.
Monsoon season in the rainforest
Winter Mar 4
today it was hailing
and my socks were soaking wet
but I let down my walls
and released my safety net

now the sun on my face
allows me a little escape
to breathe, open my eyes,
and let life's colors take shape

it's okay to dance! I say,
dance the soft day away
like a fiery fairy, free,
my inner child came out to play
exuberance for life
Winter Mar 3
Have I died
Albeit in your eyes
Unfairly, I take my leave
Almost as if
you never knew me

Fated by death's scorn
I desperately try to live on
To take on new forms
Yet, I just bleed
more and more

only whispers of a time
remain, I'll say my farewell
then... But
my selves scream into
your silence.
Jan 2023 archives
Winter Feb 22
Love is in the Eyes
She shines bright and brighter still
Like Gold
Dazzles me into a state of unbridled happiness
For both Young and Old
Love unfolds

Love exists in all duality
It will hurt  
It hurts to know oneself deeply
Love is brutal
Broken love is still love
Self care is self love
it protects…
Vulnerability says that love lives here too.
Love is
integrity and intention.

Love is God.
Like an all encompassing hug
It makes us whole…
Every thing with a spirit needs love…

Love is growth.
Love is warmth.
All evolving
To me… love is in all things
my metamorphosis and my dreams.

How do you define love? Do you think it evolves?
  Jul 2024 Winter
Krista Delle Femine
What is it that holds you back?
Not sure if your doubt
Is placed in you or me
Truth be told
I’m not ready
So maybe the thing
Holding you back
Might be me
Winter Jun 2023
i never got the chance to say
i love you in the worst way...
the words, they all but reach my lips
but silence rings through my heart eclipse...

i never knew it could hurt so bad
to love someone i could never have...
to martyr myself upon loves blade
pray, i make it out from this grave.
accepting flow
Winter May 2023
I've known your branches
they hit me with full force,
flowing in the wind
we twisted and locked
eyes, our leaves fell for one
another under the cosmic
path of the sun.

I want your mind... I lied
I really wanted
body &
but now, I don't know...

Perhaps my tree
will twist away with old age
or maybe we'll grow into one?
tree of life...
grow some mushrooms at our
roots and shoot for
the stars...

my stahr...
king of hearts
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