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it's magical, really, how you can meet someone new
and, without expecting it, they become so important.
i wasn't even aware of how much more love i had to give until i met you.
but that's what you do to me.
you are constantly opening my eyes to all that is new and beautiful.
with your gentle, yet energetic heart, you fire electricity through my veins
and you paint my world with such stunning colors.
life is better, music is richer, chocolate is sweeter, my soul is at ease.
an emtional wreck
is what you can call me these days
tears touching the cold hard floor
thinking about our memories together

I'd wish my heart was smaller
that there was no room for you
it would make things so much easier

and maybe I was stupid
and all of this really was my fault
but you can't blame me for being in love with you
the truth is all I ever wanted was for you to like me
not because I am pretty just for who I am

when she was around him
the world began to open, it was something magical
every single little bird in the sky was singing
these were the melodies that I would never forget

and it is okay to be crazy in love with someone and to get hurt
and it is okay to cry your eyes out and to feel like an complete idiot
you are only seventeen, be dramatic, be angry, be dumb, be young

but please remember my little girl
you can't be broken forever, you need to get up
look into the sun and embrace the beauty of life
count all the stars in the universe and sleep on the grass
get way to drunk and party way to hard

be your beautiful self

because you are worth so much more
than just some ****** up, blue eyed badboy
its late and Im tired and I dont want to cry anymore. *******.
 Apr 2015 aebrellim
Mr X
 Apr 2015 aebrellim
Mr X
Sometimes I fear I'll fear everything but fear itself....
 Apr 2015 aebrellim
 Apr 2015 aebrellim
The best kiss is the one
that has been exchanged
a hundred times
between each others eyes
before it meets the lips
*~ r.s
 Apr 2015 aebrellim
It Hurts To See The Sidewalks
In Your City *Bleed
I want to go back to the innocent girl I was not the one that knows hurt. Not the girl that knows how the world works.
 Apr 2015 aebrellim
Arlo Disarray
"Arlo," he insisted "I'm no artist."
As he squished the life out of his cigarette into the page, setting fire to his most recent piece of writing.

"I'm not an artist either." she mustered out while in tears. "I'm just pretending. I'm not even here. I'm not even real."

Both of them in tears now, he cups her chin with his hand and brings her eyes up to meet his. Tears streaming down their faces as they just occupy each others eyes.

The tears stop, and they fall down on the floor. They lie there a while in silence just enjoying the warmth of the nearby body. And for a moment, they're both truly happy. Really actually, honestly happy.

Until they both look to their side only to see vacancy. And to realize it was all a dream again. Both wake alone, with only a photo to fill the emptiness.
you *******. <4
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