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Aditya Roy Oct 2018
Coffee in my innermost thoughts
Keeping me awake
At night
In the sleeping recesses of my mind
"You're only given a little spark of madness. You musn't lose it."-Robin Williams
Aditya Roy Nov 2018
The **** anchor kept me
Near the coffee machine
Long enough for me to ask her out
Inchoate yet Agreeable
Aditya Roy Aug 2019
Are you the beads
On a necklace
Because you look good on my neck
Are you my eyes
And wear my looks on
Are you the coffee
I have instead of tea
I’d read you instead of your choices
Like the luck of many jewels and mellifluous
Noels that shine on the trees in the auriferous
Celebration of Christmas
The coffee is getting cold in anticipation
Waiting for you too
On a distant menu of reading material
I love you like my to-do list
I’m glad I understand and unsee you, in chiming bells
Let’s go to the place together and sleep
Yours truly
Aditya Roy Nov 2018
I kept my soul
I kept telling my soul
It'll be alright
That's when my soul spoke up
And said
"Everything will be alright"
Souls are like teachers
When the student learns
About fantasy creatures
The student opens up his imagination
And says "They veritably exist."
The didact says "Of course you've seen them."
But the soul doesn't share knowledge as easily
As the body of a female
It runs on its own cognizance
"Sometimes you have to play a long time to play like yourself"-Miles Davis
Aditya Roy Oct 2020
Where we live
Is such a nice place
But, I wish that our minds
Were bigger
And hearts more generous
Without these things
People cannot be nice
And nice people cannot exist
Aditya Roy Jul 2019
Primes and primary numbers
Make my patterns right
Teach me how to make the connections between equations
Time and tide wait for no one
Someone, please ask them what is one
Changing or creating, adjusting to your useless feeble-self
You can still take on those hurricanes, with experience
Time and tide wait for those who are laying in desperation
Waiting to be washed ashore
Like the immigrants, clicking their feet like the opportunity
And door-knobs, ringing like hallowed bells
Telling us the door is open for those with want
Series of bottles washed over, like island telegrams
College applications for the college dropout, looking for the corpus of his master's oeuvre
It's on the top shelf. You're working for wages crossing bus-stands with city-light colleges
Crowded and make some noise, coherent with crime
Aditya Roy Jul 2019
We looked at the monsoon showers
The sight was good enough to read the handprints
On the glass pane and the prayer for the storm subside
Grew stronger and the  sordid storms that scared caitiffs
Seemed very welcoming, it was the perfect excuse to leave
But, it wasn't about me, I was making light of my emotions

We looked at the stars
And that was the day I remembered
Everything changed, in one stroll and heartbeat
Each skipped step in step under the windy roads of cloudless nights
Aditya Roy Jan 2019
Amusement sets in
I stay at home
Put you to sleep
Fall asleep in the park
The amusement parks
Neatly under a tree
With my blanket
My girl
Under the colorful blur
Black and White poems
Don't help when you're down
And low
The love of your heart
Comes in shapes
Unhealthy for passerbys
In the clouds
Polluted by the cars
That make the street lights
The lights bring warmth
To the years on an average
The flavor of tongue
Has lever to sever
To keep you from the people
Keep you from the winters
Cold as a shiver
Aditya Roy Jul 2022
You told me to wait
I was sure I cared
It's been hours, I still do
About the shape of you

I gave you my world and let you in
You're one of the few
Whom I can count on
To see it through

I wonder where the time went
You hesitated in the end
Before opening your mouth
I finished the sentence

We were young
We had books and years in common
Or I thought it must have been fate
Or the way your hair sat
Have you ever been so scared that you couldn't take a chance? Even if you took a chance, you backed out. Simply scared of rejection and ruining your reputation. I'm trying to make sure that I don't make these mistakes in the future. But for now, I'm not meant for anyone.
Aditya Roy Nov 2018
She made life
Out of loving
Lips touched with ease
Hot and beautiful
Her sultriness
Add their
Towards each other
Like Heads
Cold Water
Keeping each
Other worldly and warm
Aditya Roy Nov 2020
I wish I wasn't so fat
If I ate more, I'd **** myself
Or those predators would rip my flesh
Revealing my insecurities
I wish they would because my bones are ghostly, fragile
Aditya Roy Aug 2019
Silence the terrorized halls
Sat across us, the fiery recalcitrant
Deck the halls with burning classes, obomoe'er
Brazen, kindred dust, fearful of teaching
Preaching the halls, just the silence stood still
Among the students scared of the teachers
Or the terror of the temperamental rabble, hedging for the bench
Edging from the kicks from the underbelly of the table
Friends seem like the same dinners you had in silence
The teachers seemed like familiar friends, in this educating experience
******* your teenage thumb, the rising
Violence, for the sudden sunflowers, rising for the sun
Sun for the dense sending, billowing and asunder summed up sheets
Totaled and examined, they ******* passed
Obomoe'er: amalgam
Sudden sunflowers: also amalgamated
Aditya Roy Aug 2019
Happy roses on the parade, he was waiting for the 2 years to arrive
The album cover love the lover's wilting love in on Jesus' daughter in a tree, lovely sails it had
They fell when the autumn had arrived, **** your darling buds
Pygmies digging holes in the soil in their hearts of toil, falling prudently
Like leaves, the red justice, gold *****, in a curlicue of extra circulars

Touch on the washed-up Gurudeva, fixing holes in the faucets, the sunshine shines on our bad news, save us the supernatural darkness
The superstition of the Siamese cat, and the weeping lady
The flow is getting better, make love could we ever escape dark days and escape the midnight shines like good fillers on hydrogen delight, stars in the stare looking for the assets to darkness
Moonchild roses remembering the supermarket in America, that changed them, those who were pleased with the peaches incarnate in the cries of the last radio of the gold heads, buses of the sunflower tin cans
That cried an Eli book of poems, show me in the radiant illuminating blue eyes

I am walrus, I can make these songs okay touch tough but it was right to be alright
Ending a letter to Lennon on the twelfth night, the wrong from my lenience
My liege, my childhood here hath Earth omnipotent in areolar sprayed aerosol cans, we long these round holes and surmise of free prose in the inner moon
Light up the sadness

Album cover acrid as the midnight spoon, feeling sentimental
Tumescent buildings, my cheer, without imagination
You don't deserve possessions, you shot down dead weight
Carry the shine, in the confines of a painless razor of lacrosse, Billy shears brushing your head
I'm shaving my head, with the crowd in an instantaneous hung jury in the situation in the dalliance with the forgotten underwear, ******* my collegiate thumb
I want to write my own stuff with natural ecstasy and alliance of the hung jury in the psychotherapy, and the ******* ministerial preacher, saying please please me

You said you were
Struggling with the bugs, Pam
In your head, and hung bedbugs in your childish core, of faith as a person who loves the sibilant sounds
When I laugh as my head comes out of the plastic nation
Freed and staring into the distance, Ono here in the ballad hearin' sound laughter

Lead your path
To thine light ad thine veritas
There is thy will in every bright thought in
We thought up a bed, filled hat across the new man

We are not scared among the ranged beats, were dreaming style
Derailed from the tabula rasa, and waterfalls and lose our happiness in the morning
And search for the under in our childish souls

Hanging out in rainbows in cyclones  swirling like idiot winds
And they call me dumb, a bad person in studied simplicity
Simplicity is the kind of loving, giving the kindness of taking it gently
Failure is simply the opportunity to begin again, this time more searchingly

Already finding the end of life's meaning in the puddles of love
Find yourself in mother nature, and you can apply yourself, my friend my water, my shapeshifting friend and left the flower
And leave someone's shadow as we grow fond of the light, we start wondering if the starry skies in patched blackberries
"Knowledge speaks, but wisdom listens."- Jimi Hendrix
Aditya Roy Aug 2019
I am afraid of words, because when
They are written in perfect harmony
They can create anarchy and chaos
Like when they say blue is the warmest color
Reality comes in different shapes and six sides
Starry lights on meritorious skies, iridescent smiles
Winking faces in the twilight zone in hand-counted time
Aditya Roy Feb 2023
In a tussle of the wind
The trees shed their leaves
This fall
No one to tousle their flowers

I'm darker than the deepest sea
Lighter than the shallow breeze
Aditya Roy Nov 2018
I walked through
That were unexplored
But the home
Is a tome
Of Maps
Loading the ships
With crates
Of Journey
Aditya Roy Feb 2019
In a middle of a bow
I look down in shame
Hoping to change my praise
Bored audiences come to see
The comedian meant for everybody's boisterous laughter
Among those drunk faces I see the light
It's the fairness of your countenance
I am immediately attracted
And I don't feel so ashamed
But, I must admit I felt quite shy, indeed
She tells me, "You were hilarious, how about buy me a drink?"
I oblige
Telling her, " How lovely the roses look on her pale palms."
All this while trying to cheer her up
She doesn't laugh much
But, she talks quite a bit
I notice she is drunk
Inebriated as I am
The crowd vanishes
And it just her and me
And the comedy of a punk
Aditya Roy Jul 2020
My heart
As you know
Is a time bomb
It ticks and tocks
It stops for no one
But if you come
To my heart
You will notice time
But, there will be fireworks
For us
Aditya Roy Jul 2020
The knots of her
Mind lay undone
Like a ball of wool
Waiting to be spun
Why is love so hard?
Aditya Roy Apr 2020
As the dry wind sweeps my hair
The capricious prediction of bystander anticipates heavy rain
The life I had once is now a suitcase
That will stay with me for the next journey, maybe
Part 11
Aditya Roy Jul 2020
We came from different places
It was the words that tied
Our minds like ropes
Except, you were learning the walk to heaven
As I descended into hell
Or maybe it was love.
Aditya Roy Jul 2019
I landed my first writing job at 16
Making it through school and dishing out omissions
Fishing out errors, the sweet age was just a number
Aditya Roy Aug 2019
Hope is a powerful concept
If you can protect it
You may have half the fight won
Aditya Roy Aug 2019
We could read to the blind
If we could hear the deaf
Then, we could speak to the dumb
Aditya Roy Feb 2020
You are as bright as the sun
When the moon comes
You are always there
Even when you are nowhere to be seen
But, always shining your light on others
And your moonlight on me.
Aditya Roy Mar 2020
If you are a fool
To love someone
You can spread the wisdom around
Aditya Roy Oct 2018
Mind is conception
Of the wrong
Somehow I supposed to just
Feel right
About what's left
"In my life. I love you more"-The Beatles
Aditya Roy Feb 2020
I remember when, you and I
Had that breakfast, spread
Like a sunset on the Denang horizon, youthful
We lingered on the muddle of stormy nights

Through the glass windows, yellow fog
In the happier days
We talked of the army dog
Let me ask if laughing made it better for the crying black eyes

We talked of caged parrots around saw mills, behind bars
For all I know about you
That you serve sentences now
My hair must be growing thin under the human condition

And how should I decide?
How should I begin?
How can I continue?
Without your forgiveness?

Do I dare?
Or sit and stare?
Aditya Roy Oct 2018
Churches run with holy water
Homeless people can't drink it
But they do ask for it
Aditya Roy Oct 2018
Do you drive past her place
At night
In that isolated town
Where the streetlights don't light up
Do you walk past her window
Whilst staring at your shadow
Wondering how things ever got so out of hand
Do you cycle with your friends past her fences
Wondering why she never comes out anymore
Getting tired of the suspense?
As your friends keep asking
Whether she sneaks out
Because she is grounded
Or she doesn't want to be seen by you
And they chuckle
At the thought of this

She's a small town girl
Give her some time and she'll get around
After all she is vulnerable in your arms
Just like all the other girls
Old draft for my zaftig ex
Aditya Roy Aug 2019
Two birds were
Sitting in a bush
I hit them with one stone, and they turned out two more
In their heads
You fall into a pit, you lose your wit.
Aditya Roy Jul 2019
I find your lost words
Kind of appealing, I love how you found yourself
In the wrong places, and ended up at the broken places
With the traces of the past, hanging like fearful destiny
That you don't want to come back to, a morning sickness
A glorified dream, just forget it when you go to retirement
Sleep comes when the money stops
Misanthropes following tropes of evidence
Conclusively positing them as logical statements
Seen the resourcefulness of people, conclusively work
I'm pretty sure, they work under flickering lights
Trimming and trespassing, savage gardens under lighthouses
Right under same old blue, and the turquoise shells
That hang on your shelf, like dreamweavers of blue embers
The breaths of the wind, touching your skin moonlit
You moonlight as the nighttime savior, bringing tsunamis
Washing out daydreams, and people looking at the blue sea
Sea green is where the horizon is, the turbulent tempests of thunderous storms
Stream of consciousness doesn't break the thoughts and doesn't stop with acrimony
Aspersions cast upon Poseidon's seas, like murdered mysteries
Bows and arrows slower with the samurai swords that light up the path for death and decrease
Breeze and the moss green, celadon, and ninja seals
Bursting your bubbles that flow and dissipate like distant memories
I might be flowing and collecting my shells, but, I never give up the search
The journey never stops, like the blue center of hope
Cinemas and music, that flow like beating cotton buds and blossoming drained flowers
The sun falters like these forget-me-nots asking for something in epiphanies
Aditya Roy Aug 2019
You count the buttons
On his shirt and the eyes
In his closet, as he has a suit of many colors
Like a bird with a ton of rumination
A man and no imagination can never be rich
A man with courage has a soul that can never be poor
He just gives himself to social shambles and eccentric people
Redolent about his hysterical naked self
I seem to forget that childhood was filled with punishment
That turned into a crime, and my soul healed by being with POW
Or the children of war and the creed of a generation
Seemed to hear the elevator muzak, and left me linked to the radio
Tombstones couldn't scream, and the sheer shrieks of podiums resounded
Children were starving with hunger whereas they should have been assigned shrinks
In his closet, there were many skeletons
All them starved to death, and funnily they wore gregarious looks and suits
Constituents of an open book of spells
Changed its text with each levee flooding the Hell gates
Of lawmakers, the conviction of suicidal souls
Someone killed himself again and saved by the tolling hell bell
Heck, I could write better than this, and **** the freewill
Heck, I could call the man on this and ask for the rights of women and children
Heck, I couldn't provide for my own children and heal the heavenly souls facing the hellish war

In his closet, their qued a ****** questioning his own wit
Aditya Roy Mar 2020
Some genius
Told me to expect
Danger and death
I died because of the carelessness
Of some idiot who forgot
To fear God and the flood
Aditya Roy Jun 2020
As we look at stars
Where blue and yellow flicker
I find something there
Which makes me reach out
Into infinity
Feeling returns to my fingertips
My heart caves in
As our arms touch
My eyes explore more mysterious ways
Pupils dilating in excited breaths
As I make contact with space
In this universe so lost
Finally belonging again
Aditya Roy Aug 2022
There were the stars in your embrace
The moon in your face
The fire in your eyes felt like
Some distant galaxy longed to be closer
To me through time and space
Aditya Roy Jul 2019
A metal brother
And a Fullmetal brother figuring out who is the rock
Found a cursed philosopher's stone exploiting their weakness
When they looked at the research
The search ended at the penchant for humanness
Riddles are made by geniuses cryptic enough to code them for the curious collector
Aditya Roy Apr 2020
Your lovely eyes
Are like a chunk of cookies
All I need is milk
I think you can see it in the whites
Of my eyes that my heart
Is ajar
Aditya Roy Mar 2020
I love kissing your lips
And catching you in thin air
The romance hasn't died
It is just an imaginary feeling
I hear mermaids sing
And butterflies fly
Leaving my stomach out of breath
I said kisses were rare
The smiles were cloaked in affection
The lack of time was the death of me
Time stops for no one
I know time feels the same for you
What about the butterflies that filled our stomachs
You have no lascivious feelings for me
Instead, cookies and cream
Aditya Roy Jul 2020
On the blue ocean
I see wondrous light
In the yellow sun
Under the red sky
When all the colors come
Together, it is the perfect warmth
Like salt water cool against my skin
And warm in the sand
Aditya Roy Jul 2020
I had a case of the butterflies
My girl had her summer clothes
I found her inside, wearing them
While, I robbed a liquor store
The days seemed longer
The nights grew stronger as the stars
When the rain came
We went outside to the farm
I never could believe she
Left me in the summer

The morning came again
Unafraid of heat and whispers in the air
Bringing a storm, forever
I stood against the rain, half-dead
The women passed a stare
The rain comes in, so look away
The people with their papers will miss it
I can't help it, if you need to leave again
I know it's too much to ask
The cool rain fell on a spear of summer grass

I thought our paths would cross
You were just interested in the journey
I did all I could
Now, just the love drowns my mind
Our footsteps are out of reach
So, when destiny tore us away
My love pulled me in
The cool rain will hide your tears
So, come out when you’re over me
I've been waiting ever since
Just standing in the rain, talking to myself.
Aditya Roy Jan 2019
****** by controversial action
Solved by acquisition
Of a Noble position
About obligations
They are your acquaintance, or to be intimate with fools, because they may be your relations.
An obligation is a common tool for prosaic attention
The corruption of the Catholic Church. The clerisy of the medieval ages or before the Restoration period saw that the system religion had power over women. Effective as it was the prevalence of conservative thinking about sluttishness was worse in Medieval ages. Women started finding cultural liberation during the Restoration And Renaissance.
Merely treated as *** objects, actresses had an uncouth lifestyle.
However, millions of women were declared witches in the Middle Ages.
Aditya Roy Jun 2019
Your words create vivid imagery
Making the prelude of a conscious mind
Pensive in doubt traveling a circular journey
But, the poem is just an autobiography
Of how I am so lonely
In front of my inner child
The coquettish look on the recluded face
The impression made a coyness
My vivid obsession
Fawn sprawling from the mountain peak
Flying from coruscating fires
Aditya Roy Aug 2019
The universe spirals
Unhinging, and awakening
Awkward time, between birth and realization
And before that you are dead?
Aditya Roy Jul 2020
When my heartbeat stills as a sky lifts its visage
My lugubrious walk turns into a stride, into the spraying sea
Fishes in the deep, kelp on the beach
All of them following God's message of worldly solace
A human being is not in sight, it is my painful existence that accompanies me
It is the presage of love, there the sky tilts as well as titillates
My eyes glimmer with a raucousness only found at the edge of tomorrow
Almost bordering on an inimitable future, too esoteric for us to measure
On this infinitesimally small plain of lost consciousness
The sky settles into the rainy dawn, where splores turn into bright spurges
All of them full of color, yellowy-eyed like a sea monster tamed by Poseidon
The trident of destiny hurls a thunderous clap, where is that crystal beauty at
Wandering beneath the lake, looking for God's sign of help
Providence comes to those wait behind the curtains of reality
I dream and dream the same thing again, this time my heart is singing
The birds know the atmosphere is placid as a frozen lake
Icy as the bottom of an unprecedented depth of cold blue water
Such is the hue of watching the sea rise and sleep
With my eyes in a hazy dream looking for more reasons to love myself
I fall in the cosmic romance, never falling out of this pleasant feeling
Aditya Roy Oct 2022
The calm sea
Is bluer than the
Thousand rivers flowing in

But pay attention
For the spare moments when
You find clarity

Listening intently
When in doubt
Of how you can proceed

Even the river
Has its journey
When it is young

People come by
Offering flowers
The trees shed their leaves

The river slowly dies
Blessed by nature it drains
Into the cosmic sea
Aditya Roy Jul 2019
The soldiers run through battlefields
Cutting through fields of gold
Searching for flesh and bone
In this instance, ripped apart by pieces of lifestyle
The fighter's life is justified by his style of combat
The sounds of the battlecry render
The enemies motionless
Aditya Roy May 2020
If you can leave
Everything, then
You are really somethin'
Slight message of wisdom.
Aditya Roy Jun 2020
In this day, a second is valuable
I hold some spring rain for an hour
Often many pages that rustle and flower
During a windy night, the Earth seems to fall still
Folding like a water lily in a lake and taking thee
As I follow the wilderness and doves of peace
In a day of expression and hope
I have my heart that mutinies
It wants to take you away from scrutiny
In another fleeting second
The petrichor in my heart attracts you
You love the dryness of my whisper
That cracks like a young bonfire in the middle of the night
In the windy night, on the cusp of passionate storms
Approaching tomorrow, to free our souls from regret and borrowed time
Finally, I have the courage to say, "My heart believes in coincidence too."
A poem on my heart's jest.
Aditya Roy Apr 2020
I cannot wait
To walk under the moon
The roads are empty
I am unchained
I miss the people lost, no more
To the twists and turns
Some are stuck in the
Middle of the crisis in Sandwich town
Cars are too afraid
To prowl the streets
Too bad I am stuck
On the highway
With my suitcase in my hand
Jumping off the side of the night
Tossing and turning in my sleep
No more a typhoon
I sell myself to the stars
For a night of isolation
A day of stares
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