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 Dec 2014 ace barrett
Tim Amaru
Someday someones going to make you forget everything that hurt you in the past... Forget every race where you ended up last..
Someday someone's going to take you away from your thoughts, the ones that destroy your mind.
Someday, someone will make you feel like you're truly one of a kind.. Someday, someone's going to save me
Although I still wish that someone would be you, I know that you'll never have a clue...
You always knew that someday i'd be ok, that I would find that someone for my "someday" this you always knew was true...
You just failed to see that that someone was you...
One more hit, one more fix and I'm done.
To keep my mind off of you.
one more tab;
one more hit;
one more rock;
Another drink.
just one more thing to numb this feeling for a bit.
this black hole that lies in me.
I am always high or out partying.
Not a second passes when I can bare to feel a thing.
I take someone home because I'm scared to be alone.
I always have plans because I won't dare to have one second of peace so that I can let myself dwell on you.
I'm not myself right now and that's okay,
because I need to get away.
Away from you, and this pain that stabs in my chest like a knife.
Drugs are what help me feel better,
even if it's temporary.
I'm not addicted to the substance,
I just crave to be numb always.
I slowly feel myself becoming heartless.
a frigid layer of protection is growing over my heart and I'm okay with that.
leave me and my decisions  alone,
leave me and thoughts alone.
let me be high, get drunk.
**let me be numb
I scream until my throat aches and ignites.
I scream until my face flushes.
I've been screaming all day,
But nobody has heard me.

— The End —