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Jul 2015 · 850
Abvz Temz Jul 2015
My emotions got lost in admiration
Insight of a deceptive mind
Searching for love, found lust
But lust has always been a virtue for pleasure
Pleasure an upthrust of desire
Desire, oh no my heart gone missing for another admirer
Give  me love to quench my thirst for lust
Abvz Temz Jun 2015
Take a deep breath
As we tour the city of labors
Sit back with an understanding
Where friends keep the companies of enemies
They say it all survival
Behind the walls of your neighbors
sounds of clarity with different opinions
We all a victim of the society
Patriotism is way more expensive than betrayal
The whole society is loosing it
Who do we run to ?
It the voice of a nation in a timid tone
What we bought is a liability to destruction
Last night was the siren
What are they here for ?
Our sins against the rule of the world
We raise our shoulders high
Tormented by our past
In memories of the dark side of our story
Don’t forget the mirage lies ahead
We are never satisfied
Apr 2015 · 1.1k
Labourers of Miss-thoughts
Abvz Temz Apr 2015
Deep. The day wears the crown of untruthfulness
Up above the weather bears the trademark of deceit
shallow mind of a betrayal and they said

Run away run fast
don’t look back
short paths cannot be taken
narrow paths changed the plan of this traveller
No funds to pay for chariots

Run away run slowly but run fast
Words of My lover in the letter
Memories of affections
waves of distractions across the sea
debts of homages not paid

The old neighbours laughed last night of
Old jokes from the old man saying
Run away Run fast as you can because the fairy tales only comes when the full moon is out
If the moon won’t  come in full tonight I will wait till the morning when i will see the sunrise
I am not running from My destiny
I am not staying with my doubts
All i want to do is feed on the power of positivity .
I wrote this two years ago
one of my favourite poem
Apr 2015 · 463
Long night short dream
Abvz Temz Apr 2015
The night is young
Silence whispering in Agony of joy;
Beware of affections
This is the  land without law

Pledge allegiance in accordance to self-righteousness
cold desires to please insecurity

stop whispering in curiosity
Don’t buy what you can’t afford

This dream is priceless
Mar 2015 · 1.2k
Tick Tock (la femelle)
Abvz Temz Mar 2015
Does she sound familiar to you
she is sound of familiarity between strangers
You can call her the vintage sound
The intrusion that can’t be ignored
Tick tock ,don’t save the last dance for later
Repelled from the future to stay away from the present
Her Pendulum swing in search of happiness
she said we all need the clocksmith to repair our broken piece
Polish and shine me all you want without my sound am nothing
she might be an unpleasing sound to a married ear
forgive her if she craves for attention ,getting old and rusted is not a perfect look
Tick tock sees herself in the mirror only her reflection was no more

— The End —