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sluggishly whispering hints
hoping you would notice
instead obliviously ignoring the obvious

a vial with a drop of truth
an ocean with a spill of lies
but blaming you for being blind

watching you watch her
feathers in your eyes welcomed me
truthfully really allured her

instead i blamed you for my mistakes
but knew i was suppressing a bittersweet reality
truthfully only wanting all i couldnt
i’ve heard fairy tails that couldn’t have sounded
than your soft voice
as you tell me the bed time story
that was now only a
string of words so familiar to me like my own

i’ve dreamed in beds that couldn’t nearly make up for the
that i felt when you wrapped me in your tender arms,
after a long day,
i heard the shouts and
and tears that were all now too only
sounds to me

but up close, when you lay next to me,
a new noise found me.

in between more liquid beads of trust
down your cheeks onto mine
i heard the words that no
desired to hear.
after Dean Eastmond's "Oblivion"
and I didn't want to
fall for you
because falling only leads to
scraped knees and
****** bandages

but I enjoyed the beautiful
sunrises that appeared on my
legs and hands
and I kept begging for more
forbidden pain until I was
numb to you

but the amount of scars left on my
canvas of a body today couldn't
add up to the regret I
felt for not having
inspired by the bruises you left

— The End —