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Aaditya Feb 2019
ubtYouhph ydgwillsjf
wtcneverjgh pdzknowqlm

plihowtgk pqkmuchadg pldImnz
kxnstillzmn esnloveprg bksyouwwt,

vsdaslwd qurIazb pldwillmbc
qplnevermzx tcwshowcbs.
Speech isn't hard
to understand
when you hear
what you expect.
Aaditya Feb 2019
Daylight shines like the lustre on a gold bar
Temperature slowly increasing with time
Dawn occurs early now, the birds, they sing soon
"I get less time to be admired", cries the moon.

O Apollo, you rise and shine brilliantly ever so now,
From orange to yellow and slowly to white-ish
Spreading light all over the world to see
I admire the way you burn so brightly.

This time of the year, it is still not my favourite though,
The heat is unbearable and so is profuse sweating.
Now all that's left is to avoid getting tanned badly,
So it's either put sunscreen on or the Sun screen on me.

O dear lord of the Sun, please be merciful this time,
Show that you can still be a charm.
Bring your party of clouds always with you,
I have always loved Winters, I might love Summer too.
Aaditya Feb 2019
                        may be a remedy,
                                                           I was hurt.

                                 may heal,
                                                     scars remain.
                           may fade away though,
                                                                            in time.
Aaditya Feb 2019
The first rays of sun falling over
the pots kept on the windowsill
I can hear the flowers stretching
out after a nice, cosy sleepy fill.

"Good morning little ones", I wish
while watering them for the day,
I can sense them glee, "You too,
Mr. Nice Guy", I imagine them say.

Getting ready for a bath, I could feel
cold droplets of water splashing
over my body. My new soap
of lemongrass, smells refreshing.

The toaster tings with two pieces out,
And a bowl of milk with fruit loops.
Getting dressed for work, tying the tie,
Slipping the leather belt through the hoops.

A fresh pair of socks near my shoes,
so shiny, I could see my reflection,
I think I forgot to comb my hair, but
I am perfect with this imperfection.

Tap my car remote and it unlocks,
I sit in it comfortably, rev it up a little
Start driving on the road, straight on
but the distance seems abysmal.

It suddenly starts to darken in front,
The chills hitting me suddenly,
I wake up from my dream, still
in dark, feeling cold and in agony.
Aaditya Feb 2019
When I look at you,
my heart races like a galloping horse
Everything except you is a blur
and I feel like I had the strongest liquor.

When I talk to you,
classical music takes over my mind
The melody of your voice talking back
fills colours to everything white and black.

When I am around you,
the smell of jasmine fills the space
Time flows slowly just like honey
and the season of spring takes over within me.
I am far away from you,
But I can feel you. Here.
Aaditya Feb 2019
There's more music
in white noise
than the sound
of your voice
Dynamic Change.
Aaditya Feb 2019
"Doctor Doctor, help me please!"
squealed Vince little hurtfully.
"What is it?", asked the doctor,
"Why have you come to me?"

"Dr. Lee, I think I swallowed
a little thing I remember not."
in a sheepish tone did he reply,
the only excuse he had got.

"Now now," consoled the doctor
while softly rubbing his back,
"it would help you ease out a bit,
first get rid of your anorak."

"Open your mouth, need to check
it may be removed ******." he said.
To ease the pain he thought something
"Lay your head down on the bed".

Using a flashlight he peeked into
the throat of little Vince Susie.
"It looks like some blue coloured piece.
Now you remember what it could be?"

"Actually," started Vince, "I know what
I had swallowed. It is a Lego brick."
"What?" gasped the Doctor in horror,
"Are you choking?" asked with a crick.

"No, I am serious." Vince replied
stupidly. The doctor couldn't control
his smile. "You need to **** now,
need to get that out as a whole."

"Doctor? Why you cursing me?" queried
Vince, as he thought the Doctor swore.
Doctor clarified he did not,
"Kid, other work to do, I have a lot more."

Gave him a brine solution
and a bucket to puke into
Vince drank the brine with a glug
And now he needed a tissue.

Swallowed the piece, painfully so,
but out came rushing his *****,
pouring into the bucket
Lego brick shot like a comet.

"Thank you doctor, you were most
kind." said Vince thankfully so,
"But now I must be excused, as
it definitely is my time to go."

"Wait up!" stopped Dr. Lee, "Who's
gonna pay your fees, dear lad?"
"I don't think I need to pay, as
My mom says you are my dad."

-awkward silence-
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