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Aaditya Feb 2019
"Doctor Doctor, help me please!"
squealed Vince little hurtfully.
"What is it?", asked the doctor,
"Why have you come to me?"

"Dr. Lee, I think I swallowed
a little thing I remember not."
in a sheepish tone did he reply,
the only excuse he had got.

"Now now," consoled the doctor
while softly rubbing his back,
"it would help you ease out a bit,
first get rid of your anorak."

"Open your mouth, need to check
it may be removed ******." he said.
To ease the pain he thought something
"Lay your head down on the bed".

Using a flashlight he peeked into
the throat of little Vince Susie.
"It looks like some blue coloured piece.
Now you remember what it could be?"

"Actually," started Vince, "I know what
I had swallowed. It is a Lego brick."
"What?" gasped the Doctor in horror,
"Are you choking?" asked with a crick.

"No, I am serious." Vince replied
stupidly. The doctor couldn't control
his smile. "You need to **** now,
need to get that out as a whole."

"Doctor? Why you cursing me?" queried
Vince, as he thought the Doctor swore.
Doctor clarified he did not,
"Kid, other work to do, I have a lot more."

Gave him a brine solution
and a bucket to puke into
Vince drank the brine with a glug
And now he needed a tissue.

Swallowed the piece, painfully so,
but out came rushing his *****,
pouring into the bucket
Lego brick shot like a comet.

"Thank you doctor, you were most
kind." said Vince thankfully so,
"But now I must be excused, as
it definitely is my time to go."

"Wait up!" stopped Dr. Lee, "Who's
gonna pay your fees, dear lad?"
"I don't think I need to pay, as
My mom says you are my dad."

-awkward silence-
Aaditya Feb 2019
Wish I could be numb towards inexistent feelings,

like catching air with bare hands, it is but tough.

My sensory neurons are ever active, sadly

I could feel you fading away from my life.

I stand here ossified, while you evanesce.
Aaditya Feb 2019
Your bravery,
scares me.

Your being strong,
makes me weak.

Your confidence
demoralises me.

Your leaving away,
makes me stay.
But if you are happy, so shall I be.
Aaditya Feb 2019
Wonder how,
keys of black and white
can fill your life
with all kinds of colours.
Aaditya Feb 2019
Bags packed, got my hat, laces tied,
"Did you get your shades, honey?"
She said she wants to travel with me.
So I asked where, and she replied,
"Don't ask where, ask me WHEN."
"Back to our first meeting, then
change nothing
relive everything".
The best part of my journey, has been you.
Aaditya Feb 2019
Along the seashore, as he was

moving through the sands,
encountered this exquisite
shiny green demijohn, corked
snugly with a small piece of
an old, dry parchment in it.
getting excited, he pulled the
extra tight spile open. Taking

it out of the bottle, spreading
nicely the curled up paper, on

a dry space he could find, he

began reading the words scrawled
on it. The paper read, "Whomsoever,
this paper shall find, shall simply
throw it back into the sea. Humour."
lacking clarity, he did as was told
exactly. Bottled the message into the sea. a bottle
Aaditya Feb 2019
will   be
there     to
make     sure
he's your   king,
to ***** your   life
and club seeds of
happiness for
his queen,
to reap
Dear V,
they're the shiny,
priceless seeds
that come from the
fruit of our destiny.
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