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M/scotland    with love, one can live even without happiness - dostoyevsky
Slightly Lovely
18/F/A small town in WA    just a girl who wants to be sunshine, but usually only brings rain
16/F    The one you love and the one who loves you are never, ever the same person. -Chuck Palahnuik
Darian Marie Dalton
18/F    I have a love for writing, I am going to become a lawyer. I will achieve all of my dreams.
Wandering and wondering, around and about.
Dagen Kipling
21/M/Las Vegas    Young poet lost in this world. Follow me on instagram @_DKpoetry
Oh    The guy in search of truth carried a light, what does the person in search of a sense of humor carry? Feeling my way along ...
35/F/Somewhere Over the Rain    I'm an adventurer who never stays put long. My poetry is from my traveling experiences, heartbreak, my hopeless romantic nature, and from God who has ...
Debbie Lydon
Orion Lesneski
19/M/Idaho Just an 19 old guy, who changed his old bad ways. And yet people look at him and see the old him.....
F    ya
18/F/half a raspberry   
atticus wilson
22/MTF/The abyss of life    I don’t know anymore... I don’t even know what that means
20/M/Home    Took the shackles off my feet so I can dance -- dancing in His light
22/M/ATL - NYC    pouring wine
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