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I was kissed goodbye
on a train
It was in Berlin
and by the time I came home
I was puffy eyed,
and torn up inside

But life is ironic
because just a few short months later
after patching myself up
and standing up tall
I opened myself
to the universe

And I was kissed goodbye
on a train
in Manhattan
and by the time I came home
I had a smile I couldn't wipe off,
a full heart
and an inner glow

I am grateful
For traveling
and for giving
kissing goodbye on a train
a second chance
plagiarism is
the sincerest compliment
in literature
He was there in my dreams again. I felt it. I was so close to bringing him home. I was just about to, but then I woke up. And we're separated once again. The only place I could meet him, to be reunited, it's being pulled away from me. So many dreams and encounters; the good, the bad, I always try to bring him home but I always wake up before I even get the chance to hold on to him.

I close my eyes
massage my eyelids
see impossible impressions
of the pressure
become spherical
distorted shapes
rippling in the void
of sightlessness.
Don’t grasp at the past, just let it go by
The people, the places, like clouds in the sky
Don’t grasp, at the past, just let it go by
Like waves in the sea, and birds in the sky

Don’t wonder when, don’t wonder why
Everything happened, just say  goodbye
Don’t bother with sorrow, don’t even sigh
Your daydream is over, and night time is nigh

Your pain won’t be shared like pieces of pie
No one will be holding your hand when you die
Today may be low, and tomorrow high
Don’t be disappointed by truth or a lie

   Sean Hunt   Sept 28 2016
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