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 Sep 2016 Bluebird
Timothy Ward
pyramids            crumble
one again with the desert
scattered   to   the   winds
Ashes to ashes, dust to dust
 Sep 2016 Bluebird
I just can't stand the thought of you this way.
So I said the things that I thought would make you stay.
Addicted to Bad Decisions- Emery
Never compromise
    "     bargain
Begin charity at home
Love your own's
Love yourself at first
Bring self-respect
Being self-esteemed
Gather knowledge
Spread it among!
Being charitable
    "     Human.-Written on 27.09.2012
Path of love isn't so easy
Job of lover is quite crazy
This isn't a gentlemen job at all
For being lover you've to be mad
Otherwise,you don't deserve LOVE
The ultimate gift of the superior Gab-Written on 27.09.2012
 Sep 2016 Bluebird
Sarah Carter
 Sep 2016 Bluebird
Sarah Carter
Bright smiles and happy faces,
But not all is what it seems to be.
Everyone has a mask, each one different from the last.  
One may be close to truth, but never so.
One may be an entirely different as to what the wearer feels.
And for this one girl nothing has ever been real.

Do you know who she is?
This little girl who didn’t exist?
Her feelings?
Her thoughts?
Perhaps not.

Her peacocks are dead.
Her stars have been banished.
Everything is black.

I can’t just vanish

Ah, the night the darkest hour
It’s then she realizes she isn’t living.
She is only trying to hold on for just one more sun.
Just waiting for the night to be done.

But this is her last, and all that’s left
is her mask
 Sep 2016 Bluebird
Lourdes Luna
I'd like to think of myself as
a confident woman
I've worked hard to get there
fighting through the pressures of society
talking myself out of the negative
thoughts of my appearance
It took me a long time
to look in the mirror
and be able to walk away
sometimes I'm not
but, that's okay.

If all the women in the world
could see themselves for the beauty
we are born with in our bones
and we used this to our strengths
to stop the evil from tearing us down
men like you
would never stand a chance

So I hope for all the women who are convinced
to be victims
see the gleaming crystal
held in our chests
and walk away
 Sep 2016 Bluebird
Paul Butters
I’m in a sleeping dream again:
Some bloke takes me into a nearby empty room
And asks me why I’ve done what I’ve done.
I’m so surprised.
A colleague says she had to tell him
What I’d done.
Another shock
Before I awake.

Now I see this dream is rooted in memory, real.
Yet how could my Id surprise me yet again?
Did I tap into a source
Was it God
Or Aliens
Or someone or something
Who sprang these shocks on me?

Am I two people
Rolled into one?
Or but a radio receiver
Picking up some telepathic waves?

I cannot help but ask these things.
For, when I die, will I
And Dream.

Paul Butters
Yes I've been sleep-dreaming again.
 Sep 2016 Bluebird
Allan Mzyece
She wont love me
cause I am a Wizard
Well, baby
bite my nails
and I will prove you wrong
Bite my nails, it never fails

Your soul's too beautiful for your ugly body
My fingers burn each time, I write my poetry
My nails;
They itch to scar your Worthless soul with agony
As my hand directs the evil ink to heresy
You might get cursed
I spelled it now
I am a hero on these papers!
but my tongue is a reckless villain

She wont love me
cause I am wizard
well, baby bite my nails
and you will prove me wrong
Have a bite, It never fails

She says I am a wizard cause I say
"**** the world!"
She says I am a wizard cause I curse a lot
She wont love me
Now My mouth is Shut as I bite the last of my Nails
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