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Marie L Feb 2015
There are things that I can't seem to escape from,
Things that hurt me in many ways,
Things that make me want to scream,
Scream as tears stream down my face.
The world is filled with possibilities,
What possibilities if I'm drowning?
Every time I try to meet expectations,
I'm only met with frowning.
I stare at the lines on my left shoulder,
I made them recently,
I like to see the lines cry,
People need to leave me be.
Then again if they new about these lines,
These lines that will define,
Then I'd drown even further into this ocean,
Where my deep dark thoughts reside.
So for now I'll hide these lines,
These cursed lines that I wish gone.
Perhaps a better day awaits,
A day in which I have won.
Marie L Feb 2015
It's an insane asylum
With a firm grip on us
Who have been driven
We entered
As children
Full of dreams
And the Asylum
It snatched the dreams
Twisted them
Crushed the innocence
Dirtied our souls
And locked
Our hearts
In it's filthy walls
Along with
Who have been driven

  Feb 2015 Marie L
Kathy Nguyen
I* laugh
I talk
I play
But I gotta to say
I am Losing

I listen
I focus
I see
But I can't agree
when people say
I'm Winning

I actually
and stay up for hours
I'm not winning

It's like gym class
where Anxiety, Depression, and Insomnia
are on the opposing side
and I'm by myself hiding behind the bleachers
I'm losing
I am actually winning
Marie L Feb 2015
So you know that strange feeling you get, the one where it feels like you're different from them.
You're a green tulip in a field of yellows, but they all see in black and white.
You decide to go with it, because Different is bad. Same is good.
Same, they say, is what gets you somewhere.
Same, I think, isn't fun at all.
It's gray, dull, a ticking clock in an empty room. Time wastes away, and nothing is done.
Same stands over you with a bat, and 'plonk' when Different tries to talk to you. Same wears the same suit and tie every day, never changing.
Different likes colors and scarves and sandals and beanies and fur coats and tattoos.
Same likes to talk about the weather, while Different doesn't talk; she was interrupted too much.
Different likes to sit down and think, and think, and dream. She sits longing for more Different's, the ones with fur coats and tattoos. Same chases them down with his bat and 'plonk' they become like Same, with suits and bats.
  Feb 2015 Marie L
Kathy Nguyen
Black fine tip sharpie glides in perfect curve lines
Letting out a pungent smell
The ink stains my healing skin on my left wrist
as my right hand guides the weapon as if it were a razor
It used to be a razor
Dedicated to K.L.

— The End —