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26/F/93427    Poetry is my life. I strive to write better every day, and hope that sharing my poetry will encourage me to write more.
Martin Dove
22/M/The Connected World    a bit to say with a lot to listen.
30/F/Trinidad    The Rantings Of A Confused Mind
Cheyanne Hopkins
18    Tired - Longing to Write
Daisy Castell
17/F    Would it make any difference if I never existed at all. Just a girl with little hope...
and in my mind I still need a place to go
Savanna Paige
23/F/Somewhere Daydreaming    Just A Girl Who’s Proud, To Finally Be Living Her Truth Out Loud... W/ The Help Of Rhyming Words, Of Course! ; )
Sunset Meadows
20/Gender Fluid/Missouri    My poems are based off of my own life most of the time, I write to vent. I'm always open to feedback. @thehiddenpoet
17/F    I read to escape my thoughts / I write to embrace my feelings
Austin Ryskamp
26/M/Michigan    Expressing things I can’t say out loud, on paper so that it can say it for me.
Logan D
24/Gender Fluid/Boulder, CO   
Alex Nelson
i love your eyes
Lazarus nyakundi
20/M    Perfect
Camille Morson
20/F    Welcome! Here is a collection of motivational and inspirational poems written by me.
Edmund black
39/M/NJ    Not Everything I Write Is About Me , However I Only Write For Myself....... Remember Jesus Is The Way And The Light.
A Simillacrum
F    Lover of wine, music and writing, and SUPERIOR at being mediocre.
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