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hi !
F/New York    "Sick of crying, tired of trying, yes I'm smiling but inside I'm dying"
24    offline
hani aqil
16    gay depressed art student
Vaniexe Kafka
23/F/San Junipero    stuck in footnotes and appendices
Hannah Clare Vann
24/F/Cardiff    I write poetry about failed relationships, awful dates and unrequited love, just call me the Taylor Swift of literature
Willy Shakysphere
M/Georgia, USA    I had never written anything before 1996. I died for 7 minutes, revived by an emergency medical team I awoke to not be quite the …
Mark Tilford
Louisville ky    Thinking - always
M Aiman A
Billy 13
34/M/Highlands    Just published my book. Its called How Not To Write Poetry by Billy Bud Fraser. I would like to thank everyone on and involved in …
23/F/India    Poetry is the way only way to my heart. Whatever I write comes out of a feeling or emotion that i have felt or is …
27/F/Philippines    Just a simple girl with simple words =)
19/F/Australia    my guitar softly cries "Why did you give me life?"
Megan Yocom
27/F/North Carolina   
Brooklyn    @dilletanting
Austin Stafford
25/M/Ohio    Just a shy, introverted, empathic, socially awkward soul who is pushing past my comfort zone to share my gift to the world
19/F    The best scene is unseen within a naked eye
21/F/Caribbean    So, this is my life. And I want you to know that I'm both happy and sad, and I'm still trying to figure out how …
17/M/philippines    A poet that writes is a poet that loved.
Stephanie Lorraine
28/F/Bristol, Tennessee   
18/M/Johannesburg South Africa    To Christ Be All The Glory.
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