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Untitledheart Feb 2019
I am painting
You asked me to
So here I am
Painting a field of air
As I unfold my brain
I feel the brush
Dust my thoughts
Knowing my abilities
Are nothing to be admired
So here
I am painting
For you
Because although I lack
I try for you
This is both literal and not literal. Yes all my poems are about love right now, but bear with me. This is about my boyfriend asking me to make a painting for him and I really think I ****. That is the literal sense, but in the big picture (hehe) I am struggling to open up to him, showing who I truly am.
Untitledheart Feb 2019
The screams
As I head south
I hear them
Echoing my name
As if
I am leaving
A whole world
For a dystopia
Of love
This poem is generally me struggling with the way my life is turning out right now. Am I doing the right thing? Is this the right door to open? Was I meant for this life?
Untitledheart Feb 2019
I remember my pills
Beside my bed
Staring me down
And the blades
Dancing on my skin,
With your apology-filled confession
I imagine you
You promised to love
As you
In your own
Sweet misery
There is no desire
For me
To be open
When I know
It will only add
And I
Will, once again
Be apologizing

— The End —